Chapter 3: Ahead of his time (part 2)

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I can feel his lips near my ear...saying

Y/n: Baby a Smooth criminal

And he proceeds to walk pass me,....his warm lips made my body warmer....whats this feeling ? face turned red....he breath warm air thru my sweet spot that is near my neck...

Evelynn:Gumiho ! there you are where did you go !?

Evelynn looked me .. "did something happen ?" Evelynn asked

Ahri: E-E-Everything is fine....lets go home.

Evelynn: You sure ? You seem red? Do you have a cold ?

Ahri: N-no i was just feeling warm somehow.

Evelynn : I'm sure the AC is working-

Ahri: Lets go back...Now.

Evelynn: sighs Alright i cant argue with you .

I then slowly put my hand on the area where Y/n Breath on....whats going on with me ?

Kai'sa: There you girls are !

Evelynn: Kai'sa, where were you ?

Kai'sa: I was talking with Yasuo

Evelynn: Ugh..why talk to a trash man like him ?

Kai'sa: c=Come on now Eve don't need to bad mouth Yasuo now....he struggled to climb up to this level of singing just like you did.

Evelynn: sighs No one can say no To you ~ Bokkie! But I don't really like men.

Kai'sa: well you should have met Y/n ! He is the kindest and sweetest Man you will ever seen but i guess he went back.

Evelynn : Men will try to be kind to you first ....but once you know them more , their personality will change and start abusing you , i would never trust a single man in this world...after what my last Husband did .

I feel nothing but sympathy for Evelynn ,she went thru alot with abusive men in her life  to the point she despises men.
After all she did that to save us from him... we were all suppose to be married to one man...but i won't be remembering the thing we went thru anymore?

Seraphine : OW ! My finger !

Kai'sa: Seraphine !? Are you okay? What happened ?

Seraphine: I accidentally cut my finger with that wooden table ... Owie..its fine Kai'sa a small cut.

Kai'sa: No its not ! Do you have any idea how much of bacteria and germ's are there in the table !?

Seraphine: ?


Seraphine: Its will heal quick


Seraphine: But Kai'sa !

Kai'sa: Seraphine ! Shush!

Seraphine : whine Fine!

I looked at Evelynn and told her to get her car , she nodded And went out to get her car.



Huh whats that sound-..Oh its Akali eating her ramen

Kai'sa: Heya Akali ! Hows the party going?

Akali:...It was starting Like Sh*t but when that kid came , he definitely was a different type of entertainer...not gonna lie his quite cute.


Jackson: King Of Pop (Ahri x Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt