Chapter 4: Switching positions for you~

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Well well look at you guys getting 3 chapters in 1 day B) anyway Romance Chapter alert - SassyJohn

Hmm romance~ My speciality~ - Shrex



Billie jeans, I guess. I lied to Braum and Yasuo, to be really honest. This song is inspired by.. yes.. you guessed it.. her. Even after what she said to me, Ahri—yes, I know—I'm crazy— She still has a special place in my heart as an idol—and nothing else.



As Braum was watching television and drinking beer, I heard a knock on the door of my room and saw Yasuo enter.

Yasuo: Y/N Can I suggest something to you?

Y/N: And what could that be?

Yasuo: Would you like to perform your Billie Jeans in lets say 3 days?

I froze and turned to stare incredulously at Yasuo.

Y/N: You must be joking right now

I brushed him off since that would me impossible

Yasuo: Y/N... Look at me. I'm being serious

Y/N: You'll go all that way for me ? I am still somewhat unknown. A novice singer or dancer won't be well-liked by the audience!

Despite my panic, he managed to calm me down.

Yasuo: If those celebrities can see what you can do, that means you are ready. Also, didn't you tell me your mother told you "if she can see your talent, the world will accept it," it's okay to be nervous, but just be yourself. You were ready the moment you stepped up to the stage at the KDA's anniversary party and performed in front of many well-known people in this world...and they even cheered for you.

Y/N: Are you really sure about this?

Yasuo: Yep, never going back in my word.

I then calmed down and pulled my hand out

Y/N: Brothers forever?

Yasuo: You betcha!

After talking about the plan with Braum for about 30 minutes, Yasuo wanted to hear a response to determine whether or not it was a good idea.

Yasuo: Can you sing one of your lines?

Y/N: Yea sure, "Billie Jeans, ain't my lover she's just a girl and she said I am the one" (imagine this in Michael Jackson voice)

Yasuo: Good melody. Well written in other words

Y/N: What about the rest of the song?

Yasuo: It's fine Y/N. I have faith in your ability to deliver a stellar performance.

Y/N: I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart

Braum: Please remember me when you become famous!

Y/N: Braum, don't worry. There is absolutely no way that I would forget you since you have been here with me since we were young.

Braum give a  smile of relief

I nodded at Braum in response

Yasuo: Next, please! What would you want to call the album?

Y/N: Album huh...

Braum: Could I offer a suggestion?

Yasuo: Sure

Braum: Kai'Sa forever

Yasuo: That is the worst I've ever heard in my experience as an musical artist

Braum: Come one!

Yasuo: Nope


Y/N was using every brain cell with his forehead scrunch up together. He raised up his hand twinkle in his eyes

Y/N: What about....THILLER ?

Yasuo: That's a fantastic name, Y/n! I perceive that to be the case because the songs on this CD will excite your fans.

Y/N: Yeah I guess you could say that

Yasuo: Lastly, would you want a little tour to Demacia? It's small since a world tour requires more than 10 million fans.

Y/N: I see...hmm, how about "This is it" for the tour's name?

Yasuo: That's a great title for your tour. Okay, I've finished some paperwork. I'll send it to my agent to see if they approve.

I felt a tug and saw Y/N

Y/N: Again thanks Yasuo.

I smiled and replied..

Yasuo: No issue; when I said I would fulfil your wish, I truly meant it.

Braum: Isn't it gonna be Halloween in like 2 weeks?

Y/N: Yes it is! I was planning to make a song dedicated to that

Yasuo: There we go again with your musical brain of yours. Looking forward to it

Braum: Me too


I'm curious... What kind of girls favours Y/n?Does he prefer submissive or dominant women? If I were to write a song about him, what would I say? I'll just start with the lyrics. I left my room, pondering if Y/N preferred ladies with medium-sized breasts or not because I am of a medium build. After a few seconds I arrived in the music studio in the Penthouse and laid a pen and paper on the table.Maybe I should do this solo?
I continued to think until I discovered a book about electricity in the room. It must be a Seraphines book, so I pulled it out and cracked it open.I turn the pages until I come to one that says Switching, hoping to find at least one word that I can use in a lyric. Changing positions?I then begin snapping my hands together to create a rhythm.

Cause I'll be
Switchin' the positions for you
Cookin' in the kitchen, and I'm in the bedroom
I'm in the Olympics, way I'm jumpin' through hoops
Know my love infinite, nothin' I wouldn't do
That I won't do, switchin' for y-

Ahri: That's actually not a really bad idea!

After 3 hours of sitting on the chair. I finally finished! I was very tired and went to my room jumping on the bed leaving my lyrics in the studio room.

Ahri: Still unable to believe... I'm attracted by him for some reason and wonder if the other females would find him attractive. I should see him and begin by expressing my regret for what I said. I sincerely hope he would forgive me.

Ahri: I have a feeling he stands out more from other men. In the topic of men... I wonder how good he is in bed? Surely he is the dominant one right? grins



ACHOO! Ughh.. Who is talking about me this late at night god damnit? I am now currently making the lyrics..

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

Y/N: That's great! I wonder what Ahri will think about this song

Y/n and Ahri in a split screen: I wonder what Y/N/Ahri thinks about me...

Chapter 4 END

Romance chapter out ! - SassyJohn

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