182. The Prisoner

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Dean and Sam cut wood and brought it over to a pyre they'd built for Charlie. Alana held a fussy Maren. Brianna was hugging her mother's legs. Aiden, Adah and Gideon were seeking comfort from their mother and aunt. They each had flashbacks to their interactions with Charlie.


"What about you, you gonna let it go?" Charlie asked.

"Never," Dean replied.

"That's my boys and girls."

They hugged.

"Charlie," Sam said. "Hey! I got you."

"I forgive you, Dean," Charlie told him.

"I'm so sorry, kiddo."


Charlie grinned, looking between Alana and Dean. "Let me know when the baby is born. I call being another aunt or godmother."

Alana nodded and smiled. "We will."


Charlie watched as Sylvie interacted with the kids and smiled. "You're good at this. Are you ever going to have one of your own?"

Sylvie shrugged. "Who knows." She glanced at Sam and sighed.

"You like him?"

"Kinda, I think. I don't know."

"If you do, you should go for a relationship."

"Ha! Who knows if he feels the same way."

"I've seen him looking at you when you're not paying attention. I'd say it's possible he does."


Charlie nodded. "Trust me."

Dean carried Charlie's body, wrapped in white cloth, to the pyre and with Sam's help, placed her on it. Sylvie, Alana, Adah and Brianna each placed a light pink rose on top of the cloth.


"I love you," Charlie said.

Dean smiled. "I know."

Sam, Dean and Alana, holding Maren, Sylvie, Aiden, Adah, Gideon and Brianna stood next to each other, watching Charlie's body burn.

Sam broke the silence. "Charlie. We're gonna miss you. You were the best. And I'm so sorry-"

"Shut up," Dean interrupted. "You got her killed, you don't get to apologize."

"I was trying to help you."

"I didn't need help. I told you to leave it alone."

"What was I supposed to do, just -- watch you die?"

"The Mark isn't going to kill me."

"Maybe not, but when it's done with you, you won't be you anymore. Dean, you, Sylvie, Alana and your kids are all I've got. So of course, I was gonna fight for you because that's what we do. And listen, I had a shot-"

"Yeah, you had a shot. Charlie's dead. Nice shot."

"You think I'm -- You think I'm ever -- gonna forgive myself for that?"

"You wanna know what I think?" Dean said. "I think it should be you up there, not her. This thing with Cas, and the book, ends now. Shut it down before somebody else gets hurt. You understand me?"

Alana frowned at her husband's words worriedly, then turned to her brother-in-law. "You shouldn't have done what you did, Sam. But there is always a chance to redeem yourself."

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