"Thanks for coming," Castiel said,

"Yeah, of course," Sam replied.

"Cas, look, we're always glad to help, but Claire and I aren't exactly on the best of terms," Dean reminded his friend. "I mean, should I even be here?"

"I need help from each of you," Castiel told them. "You were each troubled teens. You speak her language."

Alana nodded. "How is she?"

"Well, I-I haven't gone in yet. I was waiting for backup."

"B-backup?" Dean repeated.

"Mm," Sam hummed. "Huh."

"Three men and a lady. And a little boy. Let's do this."

Dean started walking towards the entrance of the hospital. They made their way to Claire's hospital room to see her in a bed. She turned her head as Castiel appeared in the doorway and walked into the room with Sam, Dean and Alana, still holding Gideon's hand, behind them.

"What are you doing here? And why the hell did you bring him?" Claire asked disdainfully.

"Awesome," Dean replied sarcastically.

"Um, the... the police found my number in your emergency contact list," Castiel explained.

Sam looked around the room uncomfortably as Dean leaned on a cabinet. Alana sat in the chair while Gideon sat on her lap.

"Yeah, well... That was a mistake," Claire retorted. "You can go now."

"Claire... Why were you at a bar?" Castiel questioned.

"I wasn't."

Sam approached the bed. "Claire, what were you doing in an alley outside of a bar?"

"Wrong place, wrong time. Story of my life."

Alana frowned. "We're not leaving until you tell us what really happened. So if you want us gone... Talk."

Claire looked to Castiel. "I was looking for my mom. I wanna find my mom and tell her she ruined my life."

"Your mom didn't..." Castiel began.

"She left me, and so did my dad. But Jimmy is gone, right? Has it easy up in Heaven. So... Mom is the only one left I can tell off."

"When's the last anybody heard from your mom?" Sam questioned.

"Um... When I was living with my grandmother, she used to send me postcards." Claire reached over to a table and took a package from her bag. "These are the last ones." She pulled out the postcards and handed them to Sam. "I got them just before my grandma died. Two years ago. Nobody's heard from her since. They were sent from a motel here in town."

The card said 'Curtis' Motor Court' above a picture of a rural looking motel.

Claire continued. "That's where I've been crashing. I was at Susie's bar looking for a loser named Ronnie Cartwright. Mom's diary said she was gonna meet him around the time they disappeared. Before he knocked me down, he remembered her name. He knows something."

"Why was Amelia looking for him?" Castiel inquired.

"She went looking for miracles. She went looking for you."


Sam, Dean, Castiel, Alana and Gideon stood in the hallway of the hospital.

"This is all my fault," Castiel said.

"You know, Cas, say it is. What can you do about it?" Sam asked.

"Find Amelia."

"She did disappear trying to hunt down an angel." Dean shrugged. "Might be a case."

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