Chapter 10

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After Christmas the days passed by pretty fast and Sylvester was there. Sherlock and Katie spent the Christmas days together. They went on long walks through London, visited a museum and went to a bookstore. In between they solved a small crime and Kathleen learned Sherlock how to bake. He surprisingly enjoyed it.

The cold winter sun shone slightly trough the light curtains in Sherlocks room and danced on his face.
He was awake.
His thump softly stroke over her back, feeling her body breathing under his hand and the pressure of her head on his chest.

His eyes wandered around the room. It was not as empty as it was before. The fresh flowers on his bureau next to the family photo, some hair ties and a necklace on his bedside table. A few pieces of her clothes, she left here and there, laying around. Another plant. And Katies favourite book.

Every since the kiss they got closer, still not telling each other what they felt because they didn't need to.
He was confused. Perhaps he did love her. Perhaps she change his mind about love being an dangerous disadvantage. Perhaps every small detail he had learnt about her was what made him love her even more. Would he ever admit that to her or himself?

The clock on his wrist told him it was short before eight. Ten minutes ago Ms Hudson brought the newspaper and the tea in believe he would be already waiting impatiently and in a bad mood.

She slightly moved. Sleepy she looked up in his wide awaken eyes. "Sleeping long isn't really yours isn't it?" She laughed her voiced sounding raspy and a bit deeper than usual or better to say, like every morning.

"A great mind never sleeps.".
She left out a sigh. "Sure, I forgot.". She sat up, pressing one hand to his chest to support her body while getting up. She stroke some hairs out of her face and tucked them behind her ear. She bend down to give him the now usual good morning kiss.

She freed herself out from the tangled blanket, crawled over Sherlock and got out of the bed.

The curtains got pulled away and filled the room with sunlight. As she turned around Sherlock was already by his wardrobe and started closing his shirt.
"What are we doing today?" She asked while searching after her socks. "Mycroft asked us to come over. He wanted to talk or something." He mumbled. "Great, I'm going to shower real quick." She said, pressed a kiss on his cheek and left for the bathroom. But before she could left he softly grabbed her wrist and pulled her closed to him. His hands settle on her hips as she looked up to him. A smile danced on his lips.
Would he tell her now?
His eyes had this shimmer in them like sunbeams dancing on snow, reflecting while looking like crystals.
"Is there something you'd like to tell me?" She asked. He shook his head. "Nothing no." He said and kissed her forehead.

As he entered the living room he saw his tea and biscuits standing on the table. "Oh dear the newspaper got a bit wet from the snow." Mrs Hudson said from the kitchen while she prepared breakfast. He went to the big windows and looked down on the road where, to his surprise, really was snow on the sidewalks.

He sat down into his chair and took a look at the half wet newspaper. When he saw the date, he froze. "Mrs Hudson what day is it?" He asked. "Oh it's Friday, today is Sylvester." She answered.

The pink bubbled in which they lived for the Christmas holydays popped and made him realize that for once in his life, he did absolutely nothing related to work for a couple of days. It distracted him so much he'd even forget what day it is.

"Your mom called, she asked if the dinner today was still alright? Like every year?" Mrs Hudson told him as she put down the two plates.
"What dinner?" Kathleen asked. She sat down and looked at Sherlock whose look told that he heard of it for the first time too. Then he sighed. "Mycroft." He mumbled outraged.
"I'm going to leave you alone with that." Mrs Hudson said amused and left.

Star-Blessed Kisses || BBC Sherlockजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें