Chapter 3

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Sherlock stormed into the sitting room after he got a call from Lestrade.

Kathleen and John both looked up. "What is-" John tried to say but he got immediately interrupted.

"Kathleen what are you up to today? Nothing, it is Thursday, if yes, cancel it." He said.

"Uhm no its one of my free days so-" he interrupted again, "Great then come on we got to go." He turned around and was already on his way out.

As she got into the taxi, where Sherlock was already waiting she asked: "What are we doing Sherlock?".

He looked so mysterious with his fancy cheekbones and his coat. He turned his gaze to her. "Lestrade found something interesting and he want me to have a look at it.".

As they arrived at the scene they just saw a few police cars. More than normally so it must be something big.

It was a strange place she never seen before. It was a lost square with a house which wasn't in use anymore. She saw a few officers on a small way next to the house.

Inside it was dirty and smelled awful. She made her way to the kitchen where Sherlock and Inspector Lestrade looked at-

"Are does fingers in a bag?" She asked too fascinated for the situation.

"Obviously, yes." Lestrade answered.

"We need to find the owner of this fingers. Kathleen what do you think?" Sherlock said and moved a bit so she could have a look.

"Well I guess they are from a women, middle aged maybe. Her nails are painted with clear nail polish, because they seem a little shimmery. They must have been cut of a few hours ago because the blood looks like it wasn't dry for long. Only the first layer is dry. Can I touch them?"

"Sure go ahead." Lestrade said fascinated and handed her some gloves.

In the meanwhile Sherlock looked around for other clues.
There was a room next to the kitchen. It was smaller than the rest of the house. The windows were locked and it looked like someone slept in there. A single mattress with an old brown blanket on it laid under the window. A few biscuit packages were laying around and a bottle of water, which was completely empty.

He went to the window and saw kids handprints on the glass. He kneed down and looked at the mattress. He took the blanket in his hands and smelled at it. He knew this smell, was it a Dior parfum or one from Chanel? It was more Dior, but which one? Maybe Dior J'adore or Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet?

He thought about it until he got ripped out of his thoughts because Kathleen started arguing with Anderson.

"There has to be a weapon somewhere, a knife or something. I mean how should she cut them either or did she bite them off?" Anderson and Lestrade looked both at her.

"Come on, where did you found the fingers then?" She asked.

Anderson went up to the kitchen work surface and said: "Right there next to the sink, but there wasn't a weapon near so what exactly do you want?".

She shook her heat and started looking around. Suddenly she found an old rusty kitchen knife behind the desk on the wall. "Oh look what I found, a knife!" She showed them the bloody kitchen knife.

"So what exactly is it what you guys are doing here?".

"I wasn't ready with my inspection okay?" Anderson said annoyed.

"Alright enough now. Mrs Cooper what else can you say about the fingers?" Lestrade said.

"Okay so as I already said they are from a women, around 30 years, takes care of her fingernails and she obviously cut the fingers off quickly with a the nearest knife she found. A thing I don't understand why she was in hurry? But the ends are clear and straight so it must have gone fast. Just one hit and bye bye fingers. Also these fingers are from her left hand and if I am not totally wrong it's the ring-, middle and the little finger."

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