❧ twenty-eight

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Things changed quickly and smoothly. After the incident with my father and Royden never minding me staying over at his, I basically lived with him. Once a week I would go home, but not without texting Daniela to ask whether my father was home or not. After every visit I would take some new clothes, or another item of mine, with me and back to Royden's place. After the incident with my father I hadn't heard anything from him and I wanted it to stay that way. I couldn't face or talk to him, not yet. Daniela completely understood where I came from and she was glad I could be somewhere safe, but she admitted she missed me. I missed her, too.

Considering I was much more alone now―Royden was gone most of the days working―I had asked Arthur if it was possible to work more hours at the store. He could give me four more hours to work, one morning―that was all. The store was coming to its end, but every day I showed up with the same enthusiasm I had used four years ago. I couldn't see it going yet.

Whenever I wasn't at work, I would be at Royden's hanging out. It had become our place. It was much less lifeless due to the decorations I added to the place. Besides books being found in almost every room, there were flowers and more pillows. It felt a lot more like a home. I also managed to sneak some photos on the refrigerator. Royden refused to have photos around the house, but I found small photos on the fridge adorable.

Royden and I had talked a lot of the days we spent together. We both couldn't see me going back to my father's house. I was too scared to move back in, not knowing what my father might do after having left for a month. And Royden wouldn't let me live with someone who physically hurt me, or hurt me in general. Together we decided to get my things at my old home. It meant moving in with him officially. It felt natural, normal to do so.

But it still felt weird to step in a house that had been my home for so long. My muscles relaxed by the welcoming warmth and the familiar smell despite knowing my father home.

Slowly I released a breath as I made my way further into the house. I heard Daniela in the kitchen, the banging of the pots and gentle music drifted towards me. Untying the belt of the coat around my waist, I walked towards the kitchen.

"Dani... hey," I announced my presence. She knew I was coming over to grab my own stuff. I texted her to ask if it was a good time. My father had been locked up in his office all day, she replied.

She turned around to face me and a large smile spread on her lips. While wiping her hands, she walked up to me and wrapped me in her arms. I hugged her back tightly.

"Oh, dear... I missed you. How are you?" she questioned. She released me and I could see the bags underneath her eyes. She was tired.

"I'm alright, doing pretty good actually," I answered her. I shrugged off my coat, placed it on the chair. "How are you?"

"Oh, I'm alright. Nothing much out of the ordinary, except having you gone. I am going to miss you terribly, but I understand and I am happy for you."

"I know. I'll miss you, too. Sorry for leaving you here on your own."

"Oh shut it." She showed me a dismissive wave as she turned back to the stove. She continued cutting the vegetables. "I am a grown woman. I can take care of myself."

"Still..." I trialled off. A part of me felt bad for leaving Daniela on her own, working for my father, pleasing him. Another, much smaller, part of me dreaded leaving this house. It was the house I grew up in. The walls had seen and heard more of my secrets than anyone I had ever known in this world.

"Waverly," Daniela said with a little sigh. She placed the knife down and walked towards me, grabbing my shoulders. "Please, don't feel guilty about... anything, okay? It was time to leave. You have found someone to live with, someone you want to be with and that is wonderful."

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