❧ nineteen

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Softly I placed my knuckles against the wooden door twice, knocking. My hand fell back to my side as I gripped the strap of my bag tighter. It was the only thing I could hold myself onto without falling apart. The dimly lit hallway was completely silent.

The ride to Royden's apartment went by in a blur. All I could think of was the way my father looked at me, gripped my chin so hard it had formed tiny, red imprints in my skin. I couldn't wrap my head around what had happened. It felt too surreal.

I shook my head to knock myself back in reality. No movement came from the other side of the door and I knocked once again, a little louder this time. My chest tightened as my heart clenched and my breathing was ragged. I exhaled slowly, not wanting to freak out myself.

What if he's asleep? What if he sends me away?

When I raised my fist once more, ready to knock more urgently, sounds from behind the door stopped me. I lowered my hand and waited. The door opened a little as the chain withheld it from opening completely.

Two tired, dark brown eyes were staring at me before they widened and clearly wakened up more. The door closed and the chain clinked when it was pulled from the latch.

As soon as the door was opened wide enough for me to step through, Royden's arm shot out and wrapped around my waist. Royden pulled me inside and he peeked outside before pulling his head back and closing the door. The chain was attached on the latch.

"What are you doing here?" Royden questioned me as he turned towards me.

My eyes widened at the sight of him. A red, irritated looking scratch lined his cheekbone. His eyebrow was cut and I was sure some dried blood was still smeared in it. He looked like a disaster, like he had gotten into a fight with someone.

"What happened?" I questioned him as I reached up to touch his face.

"Who touched you?" he asked at the same time. I looked between his eyes, frowning a little until realizing he was looking at my chin. His facial expression was hard and even harder to read. His jaw was set and his nostrils were flared. He was furious.

His hand slid beneath my jaw and nudged my head upwards, so he could take a better look. When his thumb ran along what I knew to be the indents of fingernails, I winced a little. They were sensitive.

Royden's eyes snapped up to me. They were widened yet I could see he was ready to fight the person who hurt me. He was too determined looking, too concerned to act rationally.

When he reached up with his left hand, I noticed the bruises and cuts along his knuckles. He had definitely been in a fight. He wouldn't be able to hide it this time. But as I was about to speak, Royden beat me to it.

"What the fuck happened to your chin, Wave? Who the fuck had the audacity to hurt you?"

I opened my mouth again, but the words wouldn't come. My lips shut, but my bottom lip was wobbling and my chest tightened with upcoming sadness. Tears were rising to my eyes.

Swiftly, Royden pulled me in his embrace and rested his head atop mine. His embrace was warm, his heat radiating towards me. I shuddered and pressed myself closer, feeling the tears fade away.

"You're safe with me," he whispered.

"I know," I murmured.

He pulled away from the hug, grabbed my hand and tugged me with him. My eyes wandered around when we walked through the hallway to what I had always assumed the bedrooms. He pushed a door open to our left and walked in.

Immediately my eyes fell on the king sized bed. The sheets were all crumpled. The pillow was tossed to the side and the dark blankets were thrown around. I couldn't tell if they were dark blue or black. My shoulders slumped as I slowed down, almost coming to a stop.

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