❧ eleven

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The streets were full of people enjoying their free time. Mothers and fathers walked with their children, most of them eating some kind of dessert. Elderly couples and women passed by and chatting, some entering a café and others holding bags with clothes they purchased. Groups of teenagers were cherishing the last couple days of good autumn weather. The sun was set and the chill had set in, but the sky was clear, the remains of a warm autumn day was still felt in the air and it could not dampen the joy.

I looked right, left and again right before I crossed the street. A car approached me, slowing down to give me time and I hurried up, so I wouldn't leave him waiting. I raised a hand in thanks.

A small smile was plastered on my lips as I rounded the corner of where the café was located. The sign was already in view, attached to the building. I walked this route every time when I came from the bookstore.

A dark vehicle caught my eye. It was parked alongside the road and even though many cars looked exactly the same as this one, I recognized it immediately. A wider smile stretched my lips and I quickened my footsteps.

Two steps after I passed a man, a whistle followed. I rolled my eyes yet my footsteps were more hurried than before and my heart was beating a little louder. My gaze was fixed on the board of the café, welcoming people in to drink a coffee and eat a muffin or some other small treat.

"Damn girl," someone said. I ignored him, hoping it wasn't meant for me or any other woman. I knew better than that though.

Footsteps quickened to catch up with me and a hand touched my elbow. I yanked from his reach and was set in a run.

Only a couple more steps and I would be inside and safe.

But I never got further than one step. The man grabbed my elbow harshly, stopping me from walking away, while he slapped my butt. My breath hitched in my throat as my body went rigid, frozen in place.

"That's a firm arse, fuck," he continued as he squeezed it. I took a deep breath and yanked my arm free, spinning around to face him. My eyes darted around, but no one payed attention to me. I didn't dare to glance over my shoulder.

The man grinned at me while holding his hands up, like he was innocent. I wanted to rip his hands off his arms, but I knew I never could. Fear paralyzed me. It always had.

"You are weak."

I swallowed thickly and took a step back. "Hands off of me," I said, wishing my voice could sound stronger.

"Aw, why can't I touch you? You're a prized possession, baby."

"Stay away from me." My voice trembled this time and I stepped further away from him. I inched closer to the café, but I wasn't feeling any safer yet. Not with this man standing in front of me like I was his present for the night and he could do whatever he wanted to do.

He quickly stepped up to me and grabbed both my wrists before pushing my body towards the wall. I struggled against him, trying to free my hands and I kicked him, but it was to no avail. He didn't let go.

"Help!" I screamed, begged as if my life depended on it. And in some way it was. If no one helped me, if no one came to my aid, what would happen with me?

"You're looking fine today."

"You don't mind, do you? It is only a little feel."

"Stop it. Please, let go off me," I begged while kicking him harshly against his shins. His head snapped towards me. Rage flamed in his eyes. He loosened his grip on me and I tried to yank myself free, but he was quick and threw me against the wall.

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