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If I'm so special, why am I secret? Yeah why the fuck is that?

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

If I'm so special, why am I secret? Yeah why the fuck is that?

          I lifted my head up slowly to face her cold hearted eyes. For a moment, it almost seemed like there was a sliver of softness in them but it could've been the alcohol stirring my brain. "Mother? Why are you here?" I manage to slur out. She sighs before continuing.
"I'm here to take you home. I knew you should've never taken that job, yet here we are," she scoffs as shame bubbles in my stomach. She's right, like always. I groan as she pulls me up easily. My head hurts and I can't tell if it's from the shots or all the emotions I'm feeling.
She forcefully makes me drink a glass of water in a attempt to sober me up. It works somehow, thought I don't care to ask what kind of chemicals she put in to do so. "I don't need your help, mother," I growl desperately. All she responds with is a scoff and I pull my arm away from her grasp.
I face the other way and prepare to storm out before I feel a hard grip on my shoulder. "It's not safe for you to go out by yourself, I'm taking you back." I try to rip off her hand to no avail.
"Since when did you care? From what I know I've being doing this shit since I was 11!"
"Do not talk to your mother that way!"
"You haven't been my mother since the day you left me alone, bleeding out, in a fucking alleyway!"
Silence. That's all that could be heard in the bar. My senses come back and I realize that although this bar is almost vacant, there were still a few stragglers. I didn't realize I was looking down until I face my mother's angry eyes.
She yanks me away by my shirt and I squirm trying to break free. She pulls me into a alleyway, and I get déjà vu all over again. "Listen here Y/N. I don't care how mad you are at me, but everything I did was to make you strong. You would be nothing without me," she snaps.
"I don't care! All I wanted was for you to fucking love me mother!"
"Love will get you nowhere Y/N."
"See? That's exactly what I'm talking about! You, father, everyone else in the hellhole don't understand what I feel!"
"Don't act like you actually have feelings darling, that's not possible for us."
"But I'm trying! At least I have the guts to actually try to feel something! And you know what? It worked!"
"What you and that Jinx girl have is nothing but fake. It was when you were young and it still is now."
"No it isn't— wait how did you even know about that?!"
"Do you think I'm really that stupid? I watch you everyday Y/N. I can't have you tarnishing the reputation I have build up."
There was a couple beats of silence before I spoke up again. "You are a sick, sick person Arabella. I don't care how much you've helped me, nothing can make up for all the times you've hurt me," I shake out before storming off to who knows where.

All I know is that I'm leaving this place for good no matter what.

All I know is that I'm leaving this place for good no matter what

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Woohoo another chapter done. This one is kinda shitty and short AND filled with mostly fighting so sorry. To clear things up Arabella is Y/N's mom's real name if you didn't see in the intro. Also the reason why Y/N and her mom "don't have emotions" is because her family line trains them to do so, which is why her dad cares more. The whole "bleeding out in a alleyway" will be explained next chapter. Hope that makes thing make more sense. Love y'all <3

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