The elevator ride to the basement always took the longest. Its really weird that this building even has a basement, considering that its all bedrock under the dirt and rocks, youll need TNT to blow it up.

The ride down was quiet, no one joined me on the ride. I took out my phone, and my headphones and connected them. I hit pandora to start the music.

The elevators door opened at the basement as I put in my headphones. I pulled the baskets out of the elevator and into the laudry room. Its a fairly large open room with 12 washers and 12 dryers. The walls were bare with a few shelves to hold peoples laundry detergent and whatnot. Thats where we have our stuff. Thankfully no one in the apartments are rude about having our stuff open and if anyone actually needed to use it, theyll ask.

I go to the first washing machine. I filled it up with my clothes and grabed some detergent from my shelf. I also grab our sent beeds to add to the  load.

I dont seperate the the darks and lights, it doesnt really do much, I much rather seperate the clothes as shirts and socks, and pants and underwear. This actually allows things to get washed more thoroughly. However Im not doing that this morning.

I took my bag and emptied it into the machine. I threw the beeds in there and then added the detergent. I closed the door and turned it on, letting it do its thing.

I sat on top of another machine, and went on my phone. I open instagram and started to scroll throw the post people I follow have shared. One of them is from Janus, who posted a simple sunset picture with him and Remus holding hands in frame. The caption just said home, really simple and sweet.

I kept scrolling, before deciding to play a game. I chose solitaire rather than anything else I had on my phone. I sat there for half an hour, waiting for the laundry to be done, and no one joined me down there, surprisingly.

When the machine buzz I hopped off and moved the wet close into my laundry basket. I had to walk around to the dryers since their back to back rather than next to each other or stacked. A little inconvieiet but I made it work.

I looked at the laudry hamper to make sure I didnt miss anything, and I didnt, yay!

I sat back ontop of one of the machines and put on a show on Netflix. Im currently not watching anything, so I started a new anime, Black Clover.

It was good, for the half an hour I watched it, but the dryer was done so I had to pause the show. I quickly threw the close into the laundry basket. I grabed the hamper and folded it so it was easier to hold onto. I grabed the belt that was on the laundry basket and went into the elevator to head back to the appartment.

The ride was quiet again, no one joined me, but that makes since, its 7 in the morning. No one wanted to be awake before 9 (Im currently writing this at 6 am)

The doors open on my floor and I quickly unlocked the door to the apartment. I took off my shoes, and set the basket on the counter. I normally would fold the close in my room but everyone is sleeping in there so Ill do it on the couch. But I have to clean the couch first.

I took a deep breath, and let it out with a sigh. I took my phone out, unpluged my headphone and set it on the counter.

     "Hey PC, play music" I said to the Alexa in the kitchen. Mom made fun of me for having my personal Alexa named computer, after the Star trek computer. So she made all the Alexas named after something similar.

My music started to play quietly as I picked up the coushions that were on the pull out mattress and set them on the floor, as well as the sheets, pillows and blankets that got left behind. I folded up the bed as quietly as I could, but it didnt work too well.

At lease no one came to complain about it.

The blankets and sheets I put into a pile so I can take them to be washed later, as well as the pillow sheets. I set the couch coushions back into place and sat down.

I looked at my reflection in the TV. Hairs a mess, clothes out of place. I need to take better care of myself.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down, trying to not feel overwhelmed by an imaginary pile of work that needs to get done. Everything is small, and it doesnt take too much time, but it gets so overwheling so quickly.

     "One thing at a time Virgil," I told myself as I stood up and grabed my clothes off the counter.

I started to fold, setting them on the side of me, making neat piles as well as putting time into folding the clothes. I got it done pretty quickly, and I set the folded stuff back into the basket so I can put away later.

I felt my stomach grumble, telling me I was hungry. I stood up and went into our little kitchen to start making something. I decided that itll be best to make something for all four of us rather than just myself.

I quickly grabbed my apron, putting it on while I washed my hands.

I grabbed a flat pan and set it on the stove. I grabbed some bacon from the fridge and started to seperate them. I grabbed a bowl and pancake mix, as well as some vanilla and cinnamon to add to it. I looked at the instructions on the box, and followed them quickly. Minus the hand mixer, I just used a whisk.

I turned on the stove, and cooked the bacon first, because the grease will make it more flavorful for the pancakes. I turned to the fridge and grabbed the eggs, and I just make scrambled eggs so its easier to divide and everyone is cool with scrambled.

The smell of food woke up the other three, and they all came out of my room looking at me with puppy eyes.

     "Sit down Im making food for all of us," I told them as I pointed to the seats at the counter. They all fistbumped the air out of joy.

     "Thank you!" Roman said as he was the first to sit down.

     "Not a problem" I said as I kept cooking. I finished up with the bacon and worked on the pancakes. Easy to make, gotta let all the bubbles come to the top before you flip it.

     "Do you have any plans for today?" Remus asked as he sat on the couch.

     "I figured I would start packing, figuring out what I want to take, verses not take and what to leave with mom," I told him as I kept making pancakes, always need to make so many of these to feed those kids.

     "OOO!! Your so smart that is a good idea" Janus said as he sat with Remus.

     "Yeah I thought so, but Ill need to go get some boxes, well, can I asked you to get them Remus?" I asked as I looked at him.

     "Hell yeah! I love annoying workers for boxes!" He said with a grin on his face.

I just nodded as I took off the last pancake. I reused the bowl that I made the pancakes in since I wiped the bowl really well to get as many pancakes from the batch.

I crached 8 eggs into the bowl feeling a pain everytime to my wallet. Eggs are so expensive it sucks.

I quickly finised that up and set out plates for everyone.

     "Dig in!" I told them as I took off my apron, grabbing a plate of my own.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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