1 - Seraphine

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"Get up girl." My eyes flicked open, I was leaning against the wall of a building in an alleyway trying to catch some shut eye. "..Who the fuck are you?" I stood up, staring at the three idiots who had woken me. "..Pay up or there'll be consequences, girl." I smirked, "Ah..so you're those assholes.." They were wearing Destroyer uniforms, probably low-class, maybe E-class grunts. "..It's been a 100 years since the War and you guys are still acting like this? Damn.." I slammed the biggest one's head into the wall behind him, "..Guess I gotta take charge." I slammed my knee into his crotch, whispering in his ear, "Fuck off, would you?" I threw him to the ground and looked at the other two, my aura swirling around me, "..I'm no simple citizen, assholes.." I took one step, "Not another step, Sera." I turned around, the same second year from the academy. "..Don't you ever fucking tell your goons not to fuck with me, second year?" He smirked, "They aren't my goons, I just so happened to pass by and recognized a repeat troublemaker." I sighed, "Troublemaker? What the hell are these assholes reporting!?" I slammed my foot into the second one's crotch, looking back at the second year, "What do you want anyways? It's not like an academy student to go flaunting in the slums of Order City."

He looked at me, "You, actually. The higher authorities in this sector wish to put you to rest, but I had a better idea." I tilted my head, "Which is?" He clapped his hands, "To join the Academy! You're already on par with me in terms of power, which is rare. But you said you wanted to take charge right?" I sighed, "Forget it, second year." He sighed, "Why not?" I kicked the one groaning on the ground, "Because of assholes like these. If I wanted to join the academy, I would've but these assholes keep interrupting my training."

"Well that's not nice.." I felt the cold air. Danger. I slowly turned, on the opposite end of the alley was a Destroyer, and a strong one. "..You do know attacking Destroyer patrols is an offense that is punishable by death, right?" She was fucking crazy. "..So, since the second year over there doesn't seem to know that..I'll take charge!" She bolted forward but I ducked, "..Attacking civilians is the real crime." My fist glew and I went to strike but the second year gripped my shoulder, tugging me backwards, "Don't bother, Sierra, she's under my protection." I felt the chill from the second year, he was this strong? The Destroyer named Sierra looked at us, "..Aww..isn't that cute? A second year protecting a criminal from a fifth year.." Her eyes crackled and she knelt down to check on the two idiots I put into submission, "..Tsk, you guys are supposed to keep the order around and yet you got your asses handed to you by a girl who lives in the slums." She got up and looked at me, "Using my authority as a fifth year, I'm taking her into my custody."

"You can't do that!" The second year protested but she shrugged, "If you refuse to relinquish her, I'll have to contact administration.." She licked her lips, "..She'll be so tasty!" She was fucking insane, but I had that same thrill. I eyed her, "Sierra right?" She nodded, "Who would you be?"

"Seraphine, Sera for short." Sierra smiled, "Yay! The second year behind you is Konstantine, Kon for short, so would you mind coming with me?" I shrugged, "..Konstantine huh? I know you from somewhere.." I walked forward to Sierra but one of the assholes on the ground grabbed my ankle, "Y-You-" Sierra stomped on him, "Leave my fucking prize alone, you grunt." She put cuffs on me and pulled me along. She smiled at me, "..Hehe.." She opened up a rift, "..Wait, you people have open access to rifting?" She nodded, "You get granted limited rifting when you hit your last or fifth year of the academy. You then get granted higher rifting as each tier Destroyer you become. There's rumors that the highest Destroyer officials can rift across the multiverses, I can't imagine." She pulled me through and we were in her room. "You're back, Sierra? Oh..and with someone." It was a towering man, he was intimidating but his eyes were blue and softened the expression on his face. "This is Alexander, he's a first year assigned to my dorm to learn after me. He's pretty cool and handsome to beat!" Alexander looked at me, "Continue to call me Alexander until you actually prove yourself to be my friend." I blinked, the fuck? Sierra shook her head, "..Calm down, Alex, she'll be rooming with me as I condition her into a first year!" I blinked, "Oh hell no. I'm not rooming this pompous fuck!" Alexander growled, "..What did you just call me?" I snarled, "A POMPOUS FUCK, DID I STUTTER!?" He went to strike me but I caught his hand with my cuffs, "..You're too fucking slow, pompous fuck." I headbutted him out of Sierra's room and slammed the door in his face. I heard him just simply walk away. Sierra smirked, "You're pretty good, better than I thought." She undid my cuffs, "But I can't just let you waltz around hitting Destroyer Academy members like that." She smacked the living shit out of me, "OW! WHAT THE FUCK!?" She smiled, "Punishment! Everytime you hit anyone at the academy first, I hit you!" I blinked, "..you're fucking insane."

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