Chapter 24~HOMECOMING!!

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Hey guys! So sorry this was indeed very late. I needed some time to myself, as well as being lots of time with family (I ate too much food this week...), and of course being very busy. Not going to lie, I had some burnt out with this chapter. My main issue was "how can I make this a decently long chapter instead of being like: they went to Homecoming." I mean I could do that, but that's not very fun. Or productive.

Apologies again! Hope you enjoy this :)

The gym had been remarkably transformed from where the teens did laps and stamina tests to an elegant ball room of sorts, with tables and chairs spread out evenly. Red was the color of the night; table cloths, napkins, banners, balloons, and even some of the teachers adorned the school's colors in support. A DJ had been hired and was near the back, bass booming loudly "Get the Party Started" by P!nk. The gang entered, eyes widening at the transformation. Snotlout, being himself, had muttered "No wonder why the tickets are $15," but had stopped himself when Minden gave him a glare competing with Astrid's stare of stone.

Indeed, the budget for the dance was immaculate and the younger members of the gang were curious to what the school's prom would entail. The dance didn't have a theme as it had in previous years, due to poor planning, but all in attendance were still happy to be there and showed the Viking spirit.

"Damn! If all the events are this good, I should change schools!" Cami exclaimed, her arm snaking around Heather's waist. "I wouldn't mind," Heather added with a smirk, eyebrows raised at her girlfriend. "Perhaps next semester, if Mom won't mind," Cami nodded.

The gang had taken a table (although they might've stolen some chairs to fit the large group) and crowded into it, setting their phones, clutches, and in one case a chicken, onto the table. A student was passing out plastic bottles of water when Hiccup gasped at the familiar face, "Gustav!"

The freshman gave a slight wave, carefully juggling the refreshments in his arms. Gustav had cleaned up well, a grey dress shirt with a bright blue tie and black pants adorning him. His hair had been parted over slightly with some gel as well, making him more fashionable. "Thanks!" He smiled.

"You're not dancing?" Astrid asked curiously. Gustav shrugged, "I'm helping out with student council hours. I might get a break to dance later, although Atali rejected me for the sixth time surprisingly."

"Yes, surprisingly..." Hiccup whispered. Atali Silver was the head cheerleader, a senior, and most desirably single, breaking most of the upperclassmen's hearts. It was no shock that Atali had turned down the freshman, charming as he may be, although the 3rd attempt was impressive, involving approximately 43 bottles of Axe body spray to be used in wooing the girl to no avail. Hiccup did have to give the boy credit for his confidence, however skewed it was.

"But I see you were able to get a date!" Gustav beamed and both Hiccup and Astrid blushed. "Yeah... and I'm really glad," Hiccup pulled Astrid closer, ghosting a kiss on her forehead. "And I have to thank you as well, Gustav! A motivational speaking job may be in your future!"

It was Gustav's turn to blush, giving a sheepish smile. He said hello to the rest of the gang then quickly hustled to other tables. Tuff placed a foot on his chair and beamed, "What are we waiting for? Let's dance!" which earned cheers from the others and clacking of heels to the center of the gym. Astrid offered her hand, "Time to show off those dancing skills, babe."

"Thor, that was just pure luck!" Hiccup took her hand. "I can be a gentleman all day, but dancing to modern hits with the whole school around me? I can't party dance for the life of me."

Astrid chuckled, "Well, the good news is that nobody's actually going to be watching. They're too caught up with themselves." She kissed his cheek. "And I won't judge if you won't."

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