Chapter 21~Dagur!

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*** Ladies and gentlemen, please give a round of applause for today's singer, Iluminous Reader!

*Author comes out onto stage.

Me: Thank you, thank you. Now, this is a classic and feel free to sing along if you know the words. Ahem:

(To the tune of Sweet Caroline)



Me: And believe I want to die!

Yeah... life happened and now I'm even more tired than before :( Nevertheless, I must put on a happy face and deal with the shitload of work I have to do. Yay!... *silently weeps on the inside*

BUT ENOUGH ABOUT ME! Well, kinda about me. I just learned today that Iluminous is not a word according to Wattpad... I don't know how I feel about that. I checked online, and it is one, and I've used it in my own vocabulary, but Wattpad refuses to believe that. So... that's nice. Honestly, I'm just tired and want to read all day instead of facing life. If you've heard the TikTok sound, "I'm getting old and I need to get my life together. But Imma keep on sitting here, waiting for my Hogwarts letter"... yeah that's me right now. I'd even take like a wardrobe to Narnia (although it technically doesn't exist... ish), the Bifrost, the Milennium Falcon, rabbit hole to Bag End, some kind of portal to Berk... ANYTHING PEOPLE.

Responsibilities. I don't like a lot of mine. And I got more stuff to do this week and I just want to curl up into a ball and listen to HTTYD music all day. BUT I CAN'T. Because there ain't no rest for the wicked, although I wouldn't describe myself as wicked... NEVERMIND YOU GET THE POINT. I am slowly losing it but that's okay I guess and I'll just ride 'til I can't no more.

Okay, I know you're here for the story, yada yada yada ignore the author's life story, LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!

***Narrator's POV

The girls had piled into Mala's car (with Astrid still in shotgun) and made their way to the school's football field. Sure enough, their team, the Vikings, was having its usual practice, getting ready to take on the Boarheads for the Homecoming Game. Derek, or Dagur, Berserker was out on the turf, doing some warm-up tackles. He was the main sacker on the team and had received the nickname "Dagur the Deranged" from his previous actions of letting out a war cry before tackling an opposing player. His hair, which could easily be described as a 'carrot-top' and buzzed at the sides, was hidden under a ballcap. He was taking a water break when the slick black car came rolling up by the sidewalk. Dagur, recognizing it as his girlfriend's vehicle, grinned and informed the coach he would take a quick break, then proceeded to walk towards the car. To his surprise, Heather had climbed out of the backseat and stood next to Mala, along with Astrid and one of the lanky twins (he could never tell which one was which).

"Mala Poo!" Dagur exclaimed, arms open wide. But his 'Mala Poo' didn't move, nor did his sister. Now that he was paying attention, all the females (and the twin) wore unhappy expressions and were in almost defensive positions. Astrid was the first to walk close to him, and she didn't share his joy either. "Dagur, my friend here says that you've been spreading rumors about Hiccup and me," Astrid said with a forced serenity. "Is this true?"

"Well, you know how this school is!" Dagur chuckled. "I only said like, one sentence, and then BOOM! Everyone's saying this and people are thinking that. It's just a wildfire."

"You didn't answer my question," Astrid gritted out. Her patience was thinning, but she didn't want to lash out unless she could confirm Dagur had ruined her relationship. Dagur rolled his eyes, then sighed, "Yeah, okay. I might've said something like "Haddock doesn't deserve Astrid" and "I can't imagine how Haddock got Hofferson to be his girl". And then I guess people started wondering why 'Hiccstrid' was even a thing. Heh, that's two sentences."

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