Chapter 18~Shopping

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...Hey y'all

Um, so... I might've made this chapter a little late...

Did I have a goal to publish a chapter weekly? Yes. Have I been abiding by this? Not really.

In my defense, I have been very busy indeed and have somewhat accepted the fact that I am going to be tired forever. Also for some reason this chapter got me stuck, which is weird cause I've been waiting for this chapter to arrive and me be like "Ta da!!"

But no, I was stumped and I finally got my act together to release this chapter! And then tomorrow I'll post the one for this weekend!

Thanks for sticking with this, seriously. This gives me so much joy to write and I've received feedback and it all makes it worthwhile.

Enjoy! (hopefully)***

Hiccup kissed me goodbye, and I headed into my house. I dropped my school bag onto the floor, not caring about the textbooks I hated and loved so much. "What the. Actual. Fuck?" I huffed, taking my turn to process what happened. Obviously this isn't my crazy family story, but jeez, that's the police and chief and my gym teacher! How can I not be bewildered? And Hayden-

Hiccup. I guess he's not technically Hayden. I close my eyes hard and lean against the front door. I was kind of liking calling him 'my Hayden'. Hiccup is a name I'm used to, but the fact that everyone else in the world seemed to call him Hiccup and I called him something else...

Made me feel a little special.

Oh please, I reminded myself. You get to call him your boyfriend! Isn't that enough? Fair, but he gave me a nickname, Milady. And although I'm not a fan of pet names, I need to return the favor...

"Language!" Dad called out from the couch. I picked up my bag and went to see him on the couch, laying close to Mom.

"You do not get to Steve Rogers me when you're watching Man of Steel," I pointed out, gesturing to the TV where Lois Lane was on Zod's big spaceship.

"Fair, but I get to play the Dad card," he paused the movie. "And what has my wonderful daughter swearing as soon as she gets home? Is it that boy?"

"Thor no!" I shook my head. "He had some family stuff that came to light when we were over there. I stayed there and helped him through it."

"What kind of family stuff?" Mom sat up. "Is everything alright?"

I nodded, "I think so. But it's not really my place to say... I don't think. Oh-and I guess Hayden is 100% Hiccup now. It's his real name somehow."

Mom looked at Dad then back at me and out a quick laugh, "Oh, honey. We know." I squinted and put my hands on my hips. "What do you mean you know?"

"What do you mean we know? The whole town knows it," Dad did a little gesture with his hands. "Those traditional Viking names don't seem to be going out of fashion any time soon." I began to speak, but nothing came out. Wouldn't have someone said something to Hiccup that hinted at him having some different name? I'm sure not everyone knew he would go by Hayden, and the teachers...

"Oh, I can answer this one fer ye!" Gobber's words rung through my head. "It's because of Valka, ain't it? The name reminded ye too much of her, so ye decided to change it, only it just ruined the memory of her!"

Of course. Mr. Haddock had requested the teachers call him Hayden- by chief power or one of those forms for the school. Either way, no one was going to go against the police chief.

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