Chapter 9~ The Date

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***Above is just a sketch I drew of Astrid because it was in my head, and I needed to do something about it. I'm not an artist but I tried anyway and ignore any erase marks (and her other arm is hidden behind her cause I didn't know what to do with it :I)

Alrighty that's it. Hope you enjoy!***

I hadn't been watching the clock. I was so focused on getting this project to work. I'd spent every afternoon fixing the calibrations only to have it fail on me at the last minute.

"Oh Thor, this is bad," I had muttered and ran a hand through my hair. Toothless brushed against my leg, and I scratched his ear. "I know, bud. Time to bring out the bug guns."

The big guns were, anticlimactically, large wrenches and tweezers. They were actually my dad's tools, but I used them whenever I pleased, and he didn't seem to mind. I was trying to see what was causing problems with the rutter when Astrid had said "Hiccup?". It was more like a whisper, honestly. I probably wouldn't have heard her if Toothless didn't nudge me.

I sat up from under the bike, careful not to get any grease on my clothes (Maybe I was trying to impress her, okay?!). And then I saw her.

Astrid Hofferson with her down, for once. She was still wearing her usual leather band to pull back her bangs, but otherwise her hair flowed down by her shoulders, and I never realized it was that long. Instead of a grunge t-shirt and jeans, she had a red tank top that was tighter at the top and looser at the bottom. The round neck of the tank hardly showed other parts of her body but seeing that much skin made me feel uncomfortable. Astrid never wore anything except tees, ever. And her beige jean shorts could be taken as sporty, but Astrid with the top and converse shoes...

Astrid looked nice. Like, really nice, to me at least. I suddenly felt underdress as I threw on the nicest jeans and shirt I had that was presentable. Astrid even wore some earrings that matched her eyes.

I then realized she was waiting for me to say something in reply. "H-Hi," I stuttered, immediately moving my gaze to my gloves and taking them off. I looked at the nearby clock, "You're a little early."

"Oh, I didn't want to be late," Astrid replied, but with a tone I'd never heard from her. Astrid had her hands in her back pockets, sitting on her hip, and had a small smile on her face. Her cheeks had a slight tint to them - makeup or blushing? - but from the look in her eyes, I realized that she, Astrid Hofferson, was nervous. For a date. With me.

How underwhelming that was going to be.

"Is that ok?" Astrid took a small step forward, her smile briefly faltering. "That I came early?"

"Oh, y-yeah, of course!" My cheeks turned red and I moved my wrenches. "I just thought I'd have more time to work on my ride here." I gently gestured to the motorcycle behind me, painted black with small streaks of blue to give the effect of lightning, all painted by yours truly. Astrid carefully walked around it, not putting any fingerprints or deteriorating the shiny coat I put on yesterday. She eyed the license plate, "What is HTTYD?" she asked, pointing at the document.

I shrugged, "No idea. Just the license plate I got. Definitely feels like an acronym, though."

"Yeah," she laughed. "Maybe..."

"Hiccup Talks To a Yapping Dog," I finish her sentence and we laugh. Toothless then, right on cue, prances around to Astrid. "Hi there!" Astrid grinned and knelt down to Toothless. He sniffed her, then growled. "Oh, I don't know why he's like that..." I rub my neck. "Toothless usually likes people."

"Toothless?" Astrid looks up at me. "Erm, for the few teeth he has," I responded, turning redder. Toothless opened his mouth, showing mostly gums and a big pink tongue. She pondered the name, then slowly reached her hand out to the mutt. "Hi, Toothless. Aren't you just a cute boy?"

With the words of affection, Toothless gave into Astrid and placed his paws on her shoulder and tried to lick her. "Careful," Astrid chuckled. "He might smell Stormfly."

"Stormfly?" It was my turn to ask the questions now. She nodded, "My bird."

"Ohh, and I named my pet a weird name?" I nodded teasingly and she blushed. "At first glance, it's a weird name, okay?"

"And Stormfly isn't? I mean, what kind of bird is it?"

"A parakeet."

"Ah, yes. When I see a parakeet, I think of Stormfly."

"When you get to know her, you'll understand."

"Fine!" I threw up my hands in defeat. "So judgmental on names, I guess."

"I don't believe in judging a book by its cover," Astrid smiled, something in my chest tightening. She stood up. "Do you know what we're going to do?"

I gave a curt nod and motioned to the bike. "I was planning... on this. But I'll be right back." I quickly grabbed Toothless and led him inside.

"Okay, bud," I patted his head. "Dad will be home shortly. Stay here and pray to the gods that I make it out alive." The dog gave a quick bark and I smiled. "Thanks bud."

Astrid was patiently standing and fidgeting with her tank when I got back. "I was thinking of a ride around town?" I told her with permission. She nodded, "Sounds good." I moved the bike out of the garage and hopped on. "You' going to need to hold on," I mumbled. I could've sworn Astrid's cheeks got a little color when she walked over and straddled the bike. She carefully set her hands on my shoulder, and my grip loosened on the handles from my clammy hands.

"Shouldn't we have helmets?" Astrid asked, and I slumped my shoulders. "Oh, right. I forgot to buy them because I didn't think this would be ready any time soon," I responded. "But! I will remember to get some this weekend." Astrid tightened her grip ever so slightly to inform me that she was a little scared.

I revved the bike, ready to go, when nothing happened. I revved again, and again, with no success. "Um, Hiccup?" Astid asked. "I feel like something should be happening."

"Yeah, we should be moving," I told her then turned to the bike. "Come on, don't do this now. Not now, not now. Please, please work. Pleas-"

The vehicle jerked forward and Astrid's nails bit into my shirt. I turned onto the road as the bike was going a little too fast than what I had planned and was making unknown noises.

"Okay, easy! Please take it back a little bit," I urged the bike. It continued accelerating roughly. This was going badly. "Please, Thor! Odin? Loki - nope I take that back. Anyone else?? Hello? Help PLEASE!"

The bike slowed down and the noises ceased. I exhaled the breath I was holding as Astrid relaxed her muscles, bringing circulation in my shoulders again. I made my way to the far side of Berk, with all the long, smooth roads that hardly had any traffic. I faced towards the sunset and heard Astrid take in a breath as I added speed.

We were off.

***YAYY! Aren't they just so cute together?

(If you say no, why are you reading this?)

Also, apologies if the motorcycle is inaccurate, I have no clue on how a motorcycle works but I wanted to include it cause why not.***

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