Chapter 4~Rumors

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Damn, it's fun to mess with Hiccup.

Okay, I was a little pissed with the whole race. I was hoping to rub it in Snotlout's face again. But nope, Hiccup Haddock stepped in.

"We told you that someone would beat you one of these days," Mala tutted, forcing me not flip her off.

"That jerk!" Heather gasped. "He took your title! Time to kick his ass! I'll grab my shovel."

"No, no. We don't need a shovel," I gritted. "It's just a race. I'm fine, okay?"

I turned around and started to walk away. "Besides, there's always tomorrow."

I made my way to AP Gov. Shockingly; I shared this class with Ruffnut. I still have no idea how she's passing this thing. I mean, her and Tuff give us a couple of surprises every now and then. But a whole AP class? Something's gotta be up. Oh well, I'll be curious to see how she scores on the AP exam.

I opened my notebook and got to work on notes. I had headphones in and was listening to "Dragon Racing" from one of my favorite movies. I felt a tap on my shoulder.


"So, I heard someone finally beat your record on the 400m dash," she pestered.

"You heard correctly," I replied nonchalantly, continuing to scribble down notes.

"And it was Haddock?"


"Huh," Ruffnut was silent for a moment. "How exactly was he able to beat you?"

"Ruffnut," I sighed. She lacked the ability to let something, even the tiniest things, go, something that was apparently genetic. "We all have our off days, right? You can't tell me there aren't days when you don't feel super mischievous like usual?"

"Nope. Tuff and I will continue to spread the great Loki's trickery. Every. Single. Day."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't think your last name should be THORston."

"Yeah, pretty weird right? Oh!! I also heard that Steven got into a fight in the locker room."

"Hmm, typical," I turned a page. "What poor, defenseless freshman got it this time?"


I froze. Hiccup. Got into a fight with Steven. Okay, that's normal. Perhaps too normal, if I'm being honest.

"Well, Haddock isn't poor, defenseless, or a freshman," I chuckled.

"Ha, definitely not defenseless..." Ruffnut rubbed her neck. "He got out without a scratch, with Steven moaning on the floor."

I paused my music, turning my full attention to the blonde. "Are we talking about the same person? Hiccup. As in Hiccup from 3rd grade? As in Hayden?"

"Pretty sure it's the only Hiccup around here," Ruff chuckled.

"Wha...How long was the fight?" I asked.

"Um, not very long. More of a 'hit and run', no? As in 'Steven hates kid. Steven picks on kid. Kid fights back. Kid runs away."

Interesting. Definitely not a fight. But anyone-even Dagur-standing up to Steven is noticeable. Especially someone who's been his number one target since elementary.

I regained my composure, "I see. Did Haddock at least get a couple hits in?"

"Whoa," Ruff threw up her hands. "Are you saying you're...on his side?"

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