Chapter 2~Gym

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I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it again: Steven's an ass.

I have Calculus, coined with the nickname "Cancerous" by the Twins (though they haven't taken it), with him and it's exhausting. He's always saying stuff like "How we should hang out sometime". Does he think living in his parents' basement in his future make him boyfriend material? Apparently. And it's not. Of course there are the jabs at my work-out regime and body. I do workout, a lot, but that's none of his business. He'll only see these muscles in action when I'm punching him. Nowhere else. Not even in Valhalla. Nuh uh.

He's been talking so long I almost miss the dismissal bell. But of course, he follows me to my next class, gym.

While high school gym is no walk in the park, it's tolerable. I don't mind the exercise. It's annoying whenever every other guy is staring at you doing squats or planks in the oversized gym uniform.

Well, everyone but...Hiccup.

I mean Hayden Haddock, but Hiccup sounds more natural. Of course, I feel guilty calling him by a nickname that Steven created when we were younger, but it kind of...fits.

Let's face it: he's thin. He used to be the scrawniest kid I've ever seen, but he's filled out some. Not as big as people like Dagur (Nickname for Derek, the kid couldn't spell dagger correctly) or Steven, but I'm sure he's got some muscle.
The problem is...he doesn't fight back, leaving him a walking target and punching bag. I get it, you fight back and you're in trouble. Don't fight're dead meat.

But he's a pacifist through and through. He never gives into Steven or Dagur when they tease him and tell him to "Punch me, Haddock! I bet you can't!". I gotta admit, there's some respect for him for holding his ground.

I enter the locker room to see Heather Berserker tying her shoes. Mala Wing, a senior, is sitting straight up on a bench. She's very graceful for a senior, but she has a soft side.

"See? I told you she wouldn't skip," Heather rolls her eyes at another girl who scoffs in return.

"Why would I skip? You know that's not my style," I set my bag down.

"You're acing this class. I think the coaches would actually appreciate if you skipped to give them a break."

"Please, I'm beyond acing."

"Exactly! And I'm sure you're tired of the constant googly eyes."

"You got me there," I sigh and take off my loose tee and ripped jeans and replace them with the gym uniform: a grey shirt and red shorts, both labeled "Berk High School".

"We should get going," says Mala. "We don't want to be the last ones."

We head to the gym and see lots of boys already on the bleachers, Steven being in the middle. I catch a glimpse of auburn hair before it disappears. I roll my eyes at Steven flexing and lead Mala and Heather away from them.

"Alrighty lads and lasses!" Coach Gobber screams. "Move outside! It's track day!" A couple kids groan as we head outside. I can't help but smirk.

"Go easy on the boys, Astrid," Heather chuckles, reading my thoughts. She knows I'm the fastest here at the sprints. Long distance is too boring, you're going around in circles.

"Indeed, perhaps their feelings should be taken with care," Mala adds, though she can't help but smile.

"Mmm, no thanks. I like my title of 'Undefeated Champion'."

"Just wait. If you get too cocky someone will swipe that title from you!" Heather poked my shoulder.

"Me? Cocky? Please," I grinned.

We started with the 100-meter dash, taking turns with boys and girls. I smoked that race. For the 200, I pretended to slow down for Mala to catch up, then blew past her the last few seconds. She was angry but was laughing with me.

"Alright, 400 up! Anyone can go!" Gobber screamed. I looked around. We combine the 400 because everyone knows I win, so few show up. To my glee, I get a good crowd with me at the start, including Steven. He flashed me a smile and I gave him the finger before Gobber saw. I caught myself glancing around for Hiccup but didn't see him. I shrug the thought off and take position.

"On yer mark...Get set...GO!!" Gobber says the last part with a blow of his whistle, and I start zooming bye. I laugh at Steven when I pass him. As I pass others, I can't help but smile.

This is too easy.

I slow down just a bit as I hit the halfway point. Another win to me, I thought.

Suddenly, I hear the steady noise of feet behind me. I'm tempted to look behind, but I know that'll slow me down. I gain speed, pushing as I round the final corner. I spot someone from the corner of my eye, gaining on my right.

"Oh no you don't," I grit under my breath and push as fast as I can. My lungs are on fire, but I don't care. I need to win. I have to win.

But it isn't enough. They pass me and my vision is too blurry to see who it is. They're just a pace a few paces, a few yards...

They've passed me.

They've passed me.

They cross the finish line.

They won.

They beat me.

I'm too out of breath to scream.

I suddenly hear a sharp whistle and Gobber yelling, "We have a new record holder-Hiccup!"



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