"Understandable. I can tell her you're not here yet."

"Oh, you know Freddy and Vickie are already running down to the lake to tell her."

He pursed his lips and nodded his head. 

"Okay. Okay. I can't sit around. I have to see dad. Debrief him on the foreign relations with the mermaids."

"How did that go?"

"It was great. They were great. Everything was great."

"Oh?" He arched his brow at me.

"Come on. It's the mermaids. They are the sweetest, happiest group of creatures alive besides the unicorns. The peace agreement didn't change. Everything was resigned like we expected and peace shall reign forever and ever."

"You are just the best princess ambassador in the entire world."

I laughed hard as I stood and walked toward the door, stooping into my bag to pull out the parchment needed to go into the archives. We made our way to King Orsand's office where he sat behind his mighty desk with a stack of papers on either side of him. 

"Ellie! Dear! Welcome home. How did things go?"

I handed him the folder and sat across from him. "Everything went as planned. The mermaids are more than happy to have us continue to be their allies. They sent a few sacks of their pearls as gifts. A tiara for Vickie and an adorable crown for Freddy."

"That's what they were wearing."

"Yeah. I figured those would keep them happy for a while."

"What are those ones made of?"

"Um, I believe coral and peridot."

"Nice. They must really like you. They never sent anything like that for Edmond." he laughed.

I side glanced at Edmond who rolled his eyes. 

"Oh, there is something that mother and I want to give you."


King Orsand nodded his head. "I believe she has it with her."

I looked at Edmond again who had a wide grin on his face. "What?" 

"Let's find mom."

The men led me to the sitting room where Queen Amelia was perched in a large wing-backed chair in front of a row of windows watching all of the kids play outside.


"Mother," I said, leaning down to embrace her.

"It's so good to have you home. It's been so lonely."

"Mom!" Edmond exclaimed. 

"What? You two are so boring and I can't have girl talk with you like I can with Ella."

"It's great being home. I've missed all of you so much!"

"Sit. Sit. There is something that father and I want you to have."

"Right to the point!" I sat in the chair beside her as she pushed a large gift box across the table to me.

"Open it."

The three stared as I picked up the rather heavy package.

I carefully undid the ribbon and pulled up the lid. "Oh, my Goddess!"

I lifted out a beautiful baroque crown covered in golden pearls, orange moonstones, diamonds, and black star sapphires.  Looking closely at the black star sapphires I could see a wolf etched into each one.

"Try it on!" Queen Amelia said excitedly. 

I lifted the crown and placed it on my head. It rested perfectly atop my head.

"That is the absolutely perfect crown for you!"

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, you've been doing such an amazing job and we thought it was time to upgrade from your tiaras. You have definitely earned the black star wolf crown," King Orsand said.

"Thank you!" I jumped up and hugged them both tightly.

"I knew you would like it," Edmond said, cocking his head to the side. "Plus, I have the matching one now."

"Oh?" I arched my brow at him. 

"Indeed," he said with a laugh. 

"I love you," I said, kissing him deeply once again.

"I love you."

"And I love you both!" Queen Amelia exclaimed, jumping up.

"I do too!" King Orsand said, wrapping his large arms around us all.

I laughed as we heard the sound of small feet running down the hallway. 

"Auntie Ella!" 

I knelt down as Lucas and Bethany ran into my arms along with my own children.

"Oh, my handsome Luke and my beautiful Bethy! It's so good to see you!"

I hugged them tightly before standing up.

"Sister," Harmony said in the doorway with a smile.

"Harmony." I closed the gap between us and embraced her. 

It had been five long years since the great battle with Hera and things in the kingdom had never been so good. I sat in the annual audit of each pack and convinced King Orsand to forgive Misty Pine and increase their annual funding. They had actually grown large and very successful over the years. 

We opened the old wing of the castle to act as offices for Edmond and myself while converting one of the bedrooms in that wing into a very large playroom for the twins and the other children of those who worked in the castle. Phil and Morgan were more than grateful when they welcomed their first pup last year. 

It was nice having so many little ones running around now. Even King Orsand couldn't help but smile at the sounds of so many pups squealing and bringing so much life to the palace.

Life couldn't be better.

But good things never last forever.

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