Chapter 32

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I couldn't sleep with the anticipation of going back to Moon Mist. Our royal duties kept us fairly busy and we hadn't had time to go back recently. Edmond snored peacefully next to me as I slid out of bed.

Pulling on a pair of short and a t-shirt, I slipped out of our suite and made my way through the castle toward the kitchen. Everything was silent except for the distance sounds of our night guards walking the halls. The heavy booted footsteps echoed everywhere.

The kitchen was dark as I crept to the fridge. I opened the door and dug through the food trying to find whatever I was hungry for, which I had no idea what I was hungry for.

"Awful late for a princess to be creeping around a silent castle isn't it?" a deep, svelte voice asked from within the shadows.

I let out a yelp, jumped, and turned around. "Valtor Draven!"

"Majesty," he said, emerging from a dark corner. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, regaining my composure and glad I didn't have to pee right at that moment.

He smiled, revealing his shiny, white fangs. "Getting ready to leave before that pesky sun comes up. That makes my traveling a little difficult. I would end up going poof." 

He motioned in the air like he was brushing away dust.

"Right. Vampires and sun don't mix."

"No, we do not." He moved very quickly and was right next to me. "But why are you awake? And all alone?"

"She's not alone," the familiar voice of my perfectly timed mate said.

"Majesty," Valtor said, bowing to Edmond.

Edmond wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head.

"I just wanted a snack," I mumbled.

He smiled down at me while I turned back to the fridge. 

"She gets hungry at night sometimes."

"So do I," Valtor responded.

"What time do you leave?" Edmond asked deadpanned.

Valtor took a deep breath and smiled his creepy vampire smile again. "Now."

He was gone before we could even blink.

"Vampires are so skeevy sometimes," I grumbled.

"Yeah, he has his moments."

"Do you think he'd eat me?" I whispered.

"I doubt it. Vampires don't tend to eat werewolves. They don't like our blood."

I shuddered at the thought.

"Did you find anything?" he asked.

I emerged from my fridge adventures with my arms full of various meats and cheeses. "I hope you're hungry too."


We went back to our suite and spread out the goodies on our table nearest the window. Edmond moved our winged back chairs next to it and we sat, watching the moon slowly sink into the horizon.

I wondered if Artemis came out to just wander around the forests during full moons. Does she just go for strolls?

"You're going to be tired for the drive to Moon Mist tomorrow," I said, yawning.

"I can always have someone drive us. It'll be nice not having to worry about it."

"Do you think we could stop at Silver Peak?" I asked.

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