Chapter 25

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We raced back to where Zephyr, Titan, Blaze hide in the shadows. Doing their best to not be seen by anyone. Two Griffins and pegasus were odd enough for wolves to see, I wasn't sure how humans would react to them.

"Ellie?" Zephyr asked. "That was quick."

"We're in the wrong place," Harmony answered.

"What?" Titan looked behind him at the Great Sphynx.

"That's not the Sphynx we're looking for, apparently," Edward responded. "We have to go to Greece."

"I guess it's a good thing we were going there anyway," Zephyr said, shaking his mighty mane.

"Can we leave right now?" Blaze asked, motioning to the overly crowded markets.

"Yeah, I think it will be fine. Especially if you take off quickly and don't hesitate. I doubt anyone will be paying attention to us. They're too busy staring at the pyramids and shopping," I said. "Let's hurry and get to Greece."

"Hey. Um, I have a question," Harmony said.

"What?" Edward asked.

"So, if we're not successful, um, what happens tot he humans?"

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah, if we're defeated, what's stopping the goblins and stuff from taking over the human world?"

"Oh. I, uh, I really don't know."

"Can they protect themselves against mythical creatures?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I climbed onto Zephyr's back. 

He trotted out from his hiding place and broke out into a gallop going further into the desert. He really did not want to risk being caught by anyone taking off and flying away. I couldn't blame him. It was easy for me to blend in. He would never be able to with his massive wings.

Titan and Blaze followed close behind and we were soon soaring through the air. I was getting used to it. Hanging tightly to his mane while letting my head drop back. You could almost forget that there was a war going on not that far from where we were. You could almost just forget everything.

Zephyr dove below the clouds, I was shocked for a second until I saw the beautiful blue waters of the Mediterranian Sea beneath us. The water shimmered in the sunlight as he dove even closer to the water's edge, skimming his hooves over the glass-looking liquid. I reached my hand down, feeling the cold flow quickly between my fingers. 

A creature caught up to us, it turned onto its back and stared up at me. It looked like a woman. She smiled and sharp teeth showed in her gruesome mouth. Zephyr let out a loud whinny and jerked upward just as a grey, scaly hand breached the surface of the water.

"Take to the skies!" he shouted to Titan and Blaze. "Sirens!"


"Yes, Ellie. Sirens. They lure men into the depths of the ocean with their song."


"To kill them."

"That's terrible!" I gasped. "It's been shocking learning that there are so many mythics who are not so kind."

"There are a lot." He looked back to the two griffins. "We'll fly above the clouds until we reach Thebes."

"How long?" Edward shouted.

"Maybe 20 minutes."

Flying was a lot faster than driving. It should have taken days for us to reach the city of Thebes. Thankfully with fast griffins and a pegasus, it was only taking us an hour. 

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