Chapter 11

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My mind already turned to the many questions and concerns that came with the possibility of Alex being disinherited. How would it affect our pack dynamics? And most importantly, would my brother be able to handle the pressure and responsibility of being Alpha? 

Tristan would be a good Alpha, he had a good head on his shoulders and wasn't impulsive like Alex. 

"You okay, honey?"

"Hmm?" I looked up to see dad standing in front of me.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "Ignore Alex."


"I know he gets under your skin. He gets under mine too. I don't remember him being such an ass when you two were together."

I chuckled as dad shook his head.

"Princess Elanor, I must apologize on my son's behalf," Alpha Anwar said, approaching us.

"Alpha, please, it's not your fault. At all."

"I just..."

"Alpha Anwar, how are you?" Edmond asked, walking toward us. "It's so good to see you." He extended his hand to shake my old Alpha's hand.

"Your majesty."

I took that as my chance to escape. I ducked away and started down the hallway.

"Oh. My. God!" I heard a family voice holler.

I turned around to see Ashley followed by two small pups running toward me.

"Bestie!" I hollered, running toward her.

We collided in an embrace the two small ones, Anna and Adam giggled. 

"Auntie El! Auntie El!"

"My favorite adopted niece and nephew!" I scooped up the two kids and smothered them in kisses.

"How are you?" I nodded toward Ashley's growing baby bump.

She rubbed her stomach and smiled. "I feel like a freaking elephant and my feet are swollen."

"You look incredible," I said, kissing her cheek while holding the kids close to me.

"You're still sure that I can be here to give birth?" she asked.

"Uh, yes. Our clinic is the absolute best in the kingdom and my best friend deserves the absolute best."

"I appreciate it, Ellie. I really do."

"Hey, are you two hungry? I think Vicky and Freddy might be ready for snacks."

"Snacks!" Adam and Anna shouted, wriggling out of my arms and running toward the nursery.

"So, um, El how are things here?"

"They're fine."

"Ellie, an all-council meeting was called."

I side-eyed my friend and saw her staring at me as we walked. "I mean, things in the kingdom are fine."

"Come on. Tell me."

I shook my head. "This time I can't. At least not yet."

"It's that bad?"

I nodded my head as we turned into the nursery. Adam and Anna had joined the other pups in playing. 

"Ellie, what happened?" Harmony asked, putting her hand on her hips. "And why are you wearing that ridiculous dress and crown?"

"First, Harmony, she was in an all-council meeting. As Princess of the entire wolf realm, she does have to dress the part sometimes."

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