Chapter 9

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****Mildly spicey adult times are in this chapter!***


I turned toward the door to see Phil standing there with a silver tray and a letter on resting on it. 

"Phil. Hi. How are you?"

"I have slept 5 hours this entire week and I'm not sure how I'm still functioning, but I am well. And you, Princess?"

"5 hours? Phil. Why?"

"Apparently my pup has decided that sleep is optional. He's napping right now."


"This letter arrived for you and Prince Edmond."

"A letter? From who?" I picked it up and turned it over to look at the wax seal on the back. "Uh, Edmond."

"What?" he asked, not looking up from the coloring book.

"We have a letter."


"From the royal family of the vampires."

"What?" He sat up and looked at me. "Honey, keep coloring. I'm going over with mommy for a minute."

Vicky nodded as Freddy emerged from the room very sleepily. 


"Good morning, honey. There is a plate with breakfast right there." 

Edmond broke the seal on the letter and quickly scanned it.

"Uh oh."

"What?" I asked.

He handed me the parchment to read myself.

Most honored Lycan kingdom,

We do not write in this without need. We have been separated for many centuries, but at this time we are dealing with an issue that we cannot handle on our own. We require the assistance of those who are strong and large in number.

We have been attacked on the regular and cannot seem to find the culprit. 

We are sending a delegate who will arrive at the borders of your kingdom within a fortnight. He will provide you with further information. I am not comfortable divulging everything within this letter.

May the Moon bless you,

King Amdis

"Well, that's interesting." I scanned the letter for a date but found none. "How long ago was this written? How long is a fortnight?"

"A fortnight is 14 days, ma'am."

"Okay, two weeks."

"Is this a date?" Edmond pointed to a series of numbers at the bottom.

"Um, let's see, it's 121822"

"December 18?" he asked.

"So two weeks ago. Phil, um, can you do us a favor?"

"Anything, sir," he said to Edmond.

"Could you take the children to the nursery? Let them know we had immediate business to attend to."

"Of course." He turned to Vicky and Freddy who argued while coloring. "Children. Come along."

"Uncle Phil!" they both squealed jumping up.

A smile broke through his tough exterior for just a moment.

"I saw the smile," I whispered as Edmond and I went into the bedroom to quickly change.

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