Chapter 6

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"Do we know of anyone between Loseldoon and here that us these kind of techniques when attacking?" Edmond asked.

"The only thing I can think of that could possibly see and hurt a fairy is a goblin, but they don't usually attack if they're not provoked," Orsand replied.

"Do you really think Kallisto would provoke goblins and end up in our territory?" I asked.

"No," Orsand answered, stroking his chin. "How long until Reuben gets to Loseldoon?"

"Um, I would think by tomorrow afternoon if he only stops to sleep a few hours."

Orsand nodded his head as Amelia sat beside the stretcher. Kallisto continued to breath steadily as the IV continued to administer medication to her.

"What if we would start investigating now? We could send a patrol out to see what they find." Edmond said.

Orsand sighed heavily. "Let's have the council meeting first."

We both nodded before turning to leave. 

"Are you alright?" Edmond asked.

"Yeah, I think. I don't know. This is just all to coincidetal."

"What is?" he asked.

"The fact I'm having visions again and then Kallisto shows up injured and on deaths door."

We walked along the corridors toward out suite. 

"Momma! Poppa!" Freddy and Vicky ran up to us, their little arms outstretced. 

We both bent down and scooped up the pups who snuggled into us.

"My pups."

"Momma, can I have a snack?" Freddy asked.

"Didn't you just have one?"

He shook his head, his shaggy hair. "No way! I am starving!"

"Me too! Me too!" Vicky added from Edmond's arms.

"You too?" he asked.

"Nobody had snacks today?"

"They most certainly had snacks," Harmony said, walking up behind us. "They had two snacks in fact. Right before the kitchen help went running off after speaking with you, Ellie."

"Reuben," Collin corrected.

"Pardon?" Harmony asked.

"You called him the kitchen help. His name is Reuben."

"Right. Whatever." She turned to me. "What was that about?"

"Official business. Unfortunately, I cannot discuss it."

"Is there an all pack meeting tomorrow?" she questioned.

Edmond and I looked at each other before looking at her. "How do you know?"

"Alex. He called and said he was on his way here with Alpha Anwar."

"Why is he coming?" I asked.

"He is future Alpha. He should be sitting in on meetings like this. As should I."

I looked at Edmond again, I could tell he was upset. His jaw was clenched and his eyes narrowed.

"No, Harmony. You and Alex will not be joining the all pack meeting. This is something that is strictly need to know and only for the Alpha's, Beta's, Gamma's. Not the successors."

"But Ellie will be there?"

"Yes, she will."

"She's not queen," Harmony said with a pout.

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