Chapter 31

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The Scientist sits in the middle of an auction with Alcina and her two acting guards, Jack Norman and Morpheus Duvall.

They are waiting for the highest bid to land so they can take it without wasting their breath on these peasants.

"120 platinum. Will anyone give me 130?" The auctioneer said, looking around the crowd of nobles and business owners.

As silence envelops the room, a lone foot tap is heard from the back of the crowd. The auctioneer locks eyes with the tall lady in the back. Though looking regal in every way, the woman had not even bid once.


The auctioneer's eyes snap towards the man beside the tall lady, unbelieving by what he just said.

Everyone stares back at them from the notion of the price. While stupid since the property was once a brothel, It sends the message of superiority between the nobles, and through their stares, the Scientist knew it did.

The woman didn't just look like nobility. She had the money and power to back it up.

After the auctioneer's pause, it continued with Alcina winning the property. As the payment was settled, Umbrella gained one of the many footholds they planned to quietly conquer the Kingdom.

While the Scientist was off discussing business with the Auctioneer, Alcina was forced to hold and shake hands with filth. Nobles who very well knew that their name needed to be in Dimitrescu's list of associates.

Little did they know that they only provided the information needed by Umbrella to paint a target on their backs.

"To think that yesterday, we smeared the blood of the Six Arms in this very courtyard. Now we own it." The Scientist laughed, pacing the floor.

Alcina walks towards him, irk written on her face as she forcefully takes off her black gloves and throws them to the ground.

Jack Norman and Morpheus Duvall follow shortly after, but not without a farewell kiss from Morpheus to his new fans consisting of female nobilities.

"Such filth, to shake my hand, much less touch it- UGH!" Alcina shouted in pure anger. The Scientist merely stares at her outburst.

"How was it." Y/N asked.

"We have a target, Arbor Baum. The leading business owner for everything construction related." Jack answered.

"Well. I'm sure Mr. Arbor will love to hear from Lady Dimitrescu." Y/N said, returning back to his natural look.

"More contact with these Man-things!" Alcina said, feeling her gut-wrenching from earlier happenings.

"As much as I know that you hate humans, especially human men. You have no choice. You're our brand, our symbol..."

"When people see you, they see Umbrella Corporation. Now, if you don't think you can show a bit of patience, I'd have you home and will never ever contact you for anything anymore."

"This is for our kingdom's cause, and I can clearly see you have no joy partaking in our plans to greatness." Y/N scolded, feeling irritated by Alcina's useless grudge.

"Leave, and I will have Excella replace your role immediately."

Alcina stands there, looking at her Creator in fear after hearing him scold her for the first time. All she got from him was slight warnings and bursts of uncontrollable anger.

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