The letter (pt. 2 of "Dear Diary") (Dream x ???)

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This is the letter Dream wrote for his unrequited love. Also two day upload streak? I have another idea just waiting to be written and a lot of other "series" to continue but I don't have that many ideas for them tbh.

Dear ???,

you probably don't even know who I am. That's fine. You don't need to know who I am, or more precisely, who I was. Because for what I'm about to tell you it doesn't matter if you do or don't know me. All that matters is that I knew you. Like how your father owns a very successful company. He also isn't the best father. I know. You may have fooled everyone else with your "perfect" family, but you didn't fool me. You'll never fool me. Because I know what you really are. Who you really are. And I could have told everyone by now. I have proof. But should I tell you why I didn't? Because then everyone would ask me, how do you know that? And I couldn't tell them how I got that proof without risking my life. And if my life is at risk because of that secret, then they'll start asking you questions and I don't want you to be in danger. This information isn't exactly proving anything about me actually knowing you, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that you're safe. That's all that will every matter to me. You may have an idea in which direction this letter is going, but please, finish reading it. Because this isn't just another fangirl letter. This isn't just another letter to be put on the pile and forgotten about. This is an important letter that is to be read in private (I probably should have put that at the beginning, but it's too late now). If you have any questions about what it says in here then I am sorry, but by the time you are reading this I will no longer be around to answer your questions, as I will be burning in pits of hell. Not only for taking my own life, but for the worst sin man will ever commit. You probably think it's disgusting; everyone thinks it is. But I can't change it. Believe me, I have tried, many, many times, in every way possible. But nothing has worked. No matter what I do I can't free myself of my sins. And that is why I am writing this letter. I am going deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole and I can't get out. I have gotten lost in my own mind and I am driving myself crazy. So, before I turn into a psychopath, I have decided to rid myself of this world. No longer am I going to be a danger to the people I love. No longer will I be able to accidentally hurt someone close to me. No longer will I be on this earth. Which brings me to the point of this letter. I would like to confess something to you before I leave, though you probably already know what it is.

Dear ???, I love you, even if you'll never return those feelings, I want you to know that.

Your secret admirer,

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