Dont get caught (Wilbur x ???)

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Hehe, heyyyyyyy, I thought of this in bed last night, enjoy

Explanation: Wilbur is homophobic, I think you know the rest.

The sleepy academy. Oh the story's that could be told about it. Like the one where two of the worst enemy's started dating, or the one about the drug dealer finding happiness in something other than drugs, or how the nicest person to ever exist killed three gang members to protect their loved one.

Or maybe the one about how the most popular, homophobic boy in school, fell in love...

with a boy.

According to Wilbur, he had no idea what all the kids in school were taking about. He denied everything, he denied how he had stopped in the halls the first time he saw him and stared, he denied how his cheeks would go a bit rosy every time he talked to the boy, he denied how he, even though he was one of the nicest kids in school, had started bullying the boy to hide this weird feeling he got whenever the boy was near, and he denied every single theory about him liking the boy.

I mean why wouldn't he deny it? It wasn't true. Liking the same gender was gross. His brother wasn't asexual and demisexual, he just hadn't found the right person yet, his best friend wasn't bisexual, she was just confused, and his other friend wasn't gay and polyamorous, he was in denial and cheating.

So with all that said, Wilbur would have never thought he would be sitting at dinner with the boy he was supposed to 'like', he also never thought he would be walking along a field right after said dinner, talking and laughing with the boy, and he definitely didn't think that the boy was going to stop and tell him he had fallen in love with Wilbur, and most importantly, he didn't think that he would ever lean in and kiss the boy.

Wilburs life flashed before his eyes. Everything he had ever believed, none of it seemed to matter at that moment. And even if it did, it was to late now, he had done it. Wilbur Soot had kissed a boy. And even though Wilbur would never admit it, he was the one who leaned in after the confession, he was the one who enjoyed the kiss, he was the one who pulled away, and he was the one to turn around right after and regret everything.

It was silent for awhile, before the boy decided to speak up "Wilbur?" The boys sad voice said


"Wilbur you're worrying me, is everything okay?"


Then the boy got impatient and grabbed Wilburs shoulder, turning him around. But when he saw Wilbur, he took a step back. Wilbur had his head in his hands, and was giving quiet sobs. When he looked up his eyes were red and his hands wet from all the tears.

"What's the matter Wil?" The boy asked, a worried look on his face.
Instead of answering Wilbur placed his head on the boys shoulder, his arms around the boys waist. They stayed like this for a bit, before Wilbur started talking in between sobs "n-nothing, ... it's just I-I always thought t-that ... liking m-men" he paused for longer "was wrong" Wilbur didn't dare look up, the boy was probably disgusted by what Wilbur just said. I mean why wouldn't he? Wilbur had just kissed him, and now he was saying that he was homophobic.

"Wilbur, look at me" the boy said, putting his hand on Wilburs shoulder as the brunet looked up and moved his arms off the others waist. "I just want to know, did you mean to kiss me?" He said, trying to keep a monotone tone
"I-I don't know" Wilbur stated
"Do you regret kissing me?" The boy asked after
"No" came the quick response "But I still think that liking boys is wrong, but I also get this weird feeling around you, the same feeling I got with my first true love. So I think I do like you, but it also feels wrong to feel like that" Wilbur was trying everything to avoid eye contact with the other, but he could feel the boy staring at him.

"I can't tell you what to do now, but just know that I will be waiting for you. And it's ok to not feel right about something, but if it's your heart against your brain, I would trust your heart" the boy said taking his hand of Wilburs shoulder, before giving him a small peck on his cheek and quickly walking away from Wilbur.

Meanwhile Wilbur just stayed still, slowly moving his hand to where the boy had given him a small kiss and just keeping it there, as if protecting the spot.


The next day, Wilbur didn't show up to school, the day after he didn't either, the rest of the week Wilbur was also absent. No one had seen or heard from Wilbur by the time two weeks had past. His friends were starting to worry and his brothers only saw him get food and bring it upstairs to eat in his room. But no one knew why he wasn't showing up to school.

Some people thought he was skipping school, others thought he may be Ill or he hurt himself. Only one person in the entire school knew why Wilbur was at home, and that person knew he was the reason.
But it still worried him, Wilbur hadn't talked to anyone, not his family, not his friends, no one.

So he decided to visit Wilbur. After being let in and being led up to Wilburs room, he stopped, what was he supposed to say? They hadn't seen each other in two weeks. He couldn't just walk in and act like they had known each other half their life and last seen each other yesterday. They had only properly met three weeks ago, and the last time they saw each other was two weeks ago, when Wilbur kissed him. Eventually he built up the courage and knocked.

"Come in" a broken voice called out. Slowly the boy opened the door, which revealed a, in the back corner of the room, hunched over Wilbur with his head in his knees. "H-Hey Wil" Wilburs head shot up, obviously not expecting the voice of the boy
"What are you doing here?" He asked, sounding confused and happy, but also annoyed.
"I wanted to check on you, you haven't talked to anyone in two weeks since that night" the boy said closing the door behind him, but staying at a safe difference
"Thanks for checking on me, but why are you really here?" Wilbur asked, sounding tired and placing his head back in his knees.

The boy came close and sat down in formt of Wilbur "Your right that's not why I came, I wanted to ask what we were" he asked, looking to his left out of the window, since it was winter it was nearly dark outside.
"I-I'm still not sure. Sorry"
"You don't have to be sorry. How about you just explain your feelings to me and we'll try to figure it out together?"
"Sure. Well, when ever your around I get this weird feeling, in my whole body, it's like when your on a rollercoaster and your stomach goes all funny, like that, but across my whole body. But my whole life I thought it was weird that two boys or two girls could like each other. Because men and woman were created to be with each other, since you need a man and a woman to have a kid, so why would two men or two woman be with each other. It didn't make sense to younger me, so I guess I just decided not to like anything lgbtq+ related, it didn't make sense to me. And I guess I just grew up with that, dislike anything lgbtq+"
Wilbur finished, staring at the boy in front of him.
"Well to me it sounds like you don't have anything against lgbtq+ it's just a decision younger you made, and you've been living with it ever since, do you understand?"
"I think"
"So with that said, ignore what your brain is telling you and listen to your heart, what does your heart want?" The boy asked, sounding more cheerful this time.

After a bit of silence Wilbur spoke up again "y-you" he, very unsurely, whispered under a breathe
"What was that Wilbur?" The boy asked, not having understood what Wilbur had said
"I-I guess you" Wilbur said, louder and more confirming this time, looking the boy directly in his eyes
"That's good to hear" the boy said, leaning in seconds later to kiss Wilbur, just like Wilbur had two weeks ago.

At that moment Wilbur didn't care about anything, he didn't care about his reputation, he didn't care about what others would think, and most importantly, he didn't care if one of his family members walked in and saw him kissing a boy. None of it mattered, except the boy in front of him.

1569 words

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's a bit longer than usual, but I hope you still had fun reading it.

Anyway, make sure to eat, sleep and drink enough, and HAVE FUN!

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