Through the kids pt.2 (Schlattbur)

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Eventually Schlatt closed his eyes and...

rolled off Wilbur, his face was boiling and as red as a tomato. Some would say it's from what just happened. But if you ask Schlatt he would say it's because of the cold.

They both now lay on their backs, in the snow, next to each other.

The boys had started building a second snowman now, ignoring what their dads were doing.

"Well I think we should get up, or we'll get hypothermia"

They got up and brushed the snow of themselves.

"It's getting quite cold, isn't it Wil?"
"Yea I guess it is, we can go to my house and have some hot chocolate if you want"
"Sure. TUBBO, TOMMY, we're going inside!"

Schlatt yelled for the two boys to come to him.


They were now sitting inside, Tommy and Tubbo were watching some movie on T.V. while Wilbur and Schlatt were just silently sitting at the table.

Schlatt face was still a tomato, while Wilbur, well his cheeks were blank, but while Schlatt had been turned away, he was just staring at him, yea he could only see less than half of his face, but he still admired the man, in nearly every way.

The way he talked and pretty much not cared about anything, the way he could take care of kids. Wilbur was, in his head, currently listing all the things he like about Schlatt, before moving onto imagining them together though, he heard his name be called out.

"wilbur? Wilbur? WILBUR!"
"Huh- o- oh yea- what?"
"I was asking if you were ok, you were just zoned out, staring at me, and your face is extremely red, you should probably put some water on it"
"Ye-yea will do"

Wilbur got up and walked to the bathroom, thinking about what happened. Had Schlatt really seen him staring at him?

He splashed some cold water on his face before leaving to go back to the living room.

He got back to Schlatt looking at the boys, who had fallen asleep.

"Oh, they fell asleep, if you want Tubbo can stay the night, then you don't need to carry him home, Tommys bed is big enough for both of them to sleep on"

They each picked up their son and walked to Tommys room and placed them next to each other before tucking them in, turning the lights off and closing the door.

"Hey Schlatt, do you maybe want to go out for a bit?"
"Where to?"
"Idk just a walk"
"Sure, I'll just put my stuff back on"

They got ready and started walking, no specific direction, just a nice walk. About half way through it started snowing.

None of them minded, although they did get hit by a couple snowballs, who knows who threw them...

They had reached a field, it was empty since it was dark by now.

Wilbur stopped and held onto Schlatts arm, to make him stop too.

"Hm, something wrong Wil?"
"No uh- n- nothings wrong, just th- thought the uhhh- field looked ... nice?"
"Hm guess it does"
"But I did want to ask you something"
"Shoot away"
"Well uh- hehe- how do I say this? I- uhh- I- ummm-"

while Wilbur was stuttering to himself and trying to form a sentence, Schlatt just stood there, watching and waiting.

Eventually Wilbur sighed.

"What I'm trying to say is, that I- I like you Schlatt, not in a platonic way, but a romantic way. The way you don't care about anything, how soft you are with children. Your smile, your laugh, your hair and your eyes, don't even get me started on your eyes, it's like if you want to look at them, you can't look away, your stuck. And the colour, it's a beautiful shade. So yea, and I don't even care if you like me back, I just wanted you to know"

After Wilbur finished, he was to scared to look at Schlatt, he imagined disgust in his eyes, they had been friends for nearly four months now, and he ruined it with his confession.

He slowly looked back up, expecting to see disgust, but Schlatt was just standing there, his face was red, but there wasn't any emotion.

"Huh- oh- eh- wha- what did you say?"
"I said I liked you"

Wilbur repeated, but barely audible this time.

"You- you do?"
"Hm hm, so wha- what's your answer?"
"Uhhh- I-"

It was now Schlatt who couldn't form a sentence.

And with the silence Wilbur heard, he assumed that Schlatts feelings weren't mutual.

He had turned around and started walking away. But suddenly Schlatt grabbed his arm, pulled him back into his arms and held him there.

Their faces were now inches apart. And before Wilbur could realise what happened, Schlatt pressed his lips against Wilbur's.

Although Wilbur was surprised by Schlatts action, he kissed back, he didn't care if Schlatt liked him or not, he didn't care if this was a dream, this is all he had wanted for the past three months.

The kiss lasted awhile, it was a long passionate kiss.

Eventually the two broke free though, they were panting, since they hadn't breathed during the whole kiss.

Wilbur stared into Schlatts eyes, and it didn't take long for Wilbur to reconnect their lips. The second kiss was much shorter than the first one, but it was still a kiss nonetheless.

The second time they broke apart Schlatt moved his head to Wilbur's ear before whispering something.

"Does that answer your question, Cutie?"

Wilbur nodded slightly before they both stood up properly.

"Sooooo- what now?"
"We'll do you want to date? Or atleast try to?"
"YES! Oh- uhh- he- I meant yea"
"Ok, Cutie"

Schlatt turned around one last time before giving Wilbur a small kiss on the forehead, and then they proceeded to walk home, as if nothing had happened, except that Schlatt had his head on Wilbur's shoulder and Wilbur had his arm around Schlatt.

When they got inside Wilbur looked at the clock, it was 1:30am. Wilbur looked into Tommys room and both him and Tubbo were fast asleep.

"The boys are still asleep"
"That's good to hear"
"Hey Schlatt, do you want to maybe cuddle a bit?"

Although the last part was a very quiet whisper, he still heard it.


With this Wilbur gave him a hug and brought Schlatt to his room. They lay down and just enjoyed each other's company. It didn't take long for soft snoozes to be heard from Wilbur, though because he was lying halfway over Schlatt, he couldn't leave, and when he tried to move, Wilbur just held him tighter, so he was stuck 'sleeping' with Wilbur.

And that's how he fell asleep, with Wilbur in his arms, Christmas the next day and Tubbo in the other room. All his loved ones in one place.

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