Through the kids pt.3 (Schlattbur)

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And that's how he fell asleep, with Wilbur in his arms, Christmas the next day and Tubbo in the other room. All his loved ones in one place.


Schlatt woke up to Tommy and Tubbo jumping on the bed.

"Oh yea. Let me wake Wilbur up then we can go open presents"

The two straight away ran downstairs. Schlatt turned over to Wilbur. 'God he's to cute when he's sleeping'

"Wilbur get up it's Christmas"
"Yes Wilbur it's Christmas"

Schlatt chuckled at his excitement, before giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?"
"Can't I kiss my boyfriend? If you want to be of course!"
"Of course I do! Did our make out session yesterday not make that clear?"

Schlatt just burst out laughing.

"I think we should get up now though, the kids are waiting"

They got up and walked down stairs.


While Tommy and Tubbo were playing with their new toys, Schlatt turned to Wilbur.

"Hey Wil"
"I- I got you this"

He pressed a small package into Wilburn hand.

"Merry Christmas"

Full of excitement Wilbur opened his present. When he saw the small picture in the necklace he turned to Schlatt.

"Awww you shouldn't have!"
"Why not? Now you always have us with you no matter where you go!"

Wilbur gave Schlatt a hug and a small peck on his lips, before giving the necklace to Schlatt to put on.

After he had finished, Wilbur placed his head on Schlatts lap, and he started plying with Wilburs hair.

"Are you in Love?"

Tommy suddenly blurted out.

They both snapped their heads towards him and then looked at each other nodding in agreement about something.

Wilbur sighed.

"Y- yes we are Tommy"
"N-no not yet, we would have to get married for that and we only started dating yesterday"
"We'll hurry up then, I want a brother"
"You know I think I left the kettle on"

Wilbur said, getting up and running to the kitchen, obviously very flustered.

Five years later

Wilbur and Schlatt were just walking in the park, Tommy and Tubbo running ahead. They had gotten married 3 months ago, and were probably happier than ever.

They had lost sight of the boys when they suddenly heard Tubbo and Tommy yell.

Tommy P.O.V

Tommy and Tubbo were just playing tag when Tubbo ran off,  Tommy suddenly heard him yell. He ran towards the noise and when he saw a Woman holding Tubbo he yelled at her.


She stopped and stared at Tommy.

"This is your brother?"
"Yes now let him go!"

The woman dropped him and he ran towards Tommy. She continued staring at Tommy.

"What's your name kid?"
"Why would I tell you?"
"Tommy my name is Tommy Soot"

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