Opposites attract pt. 2 (Schlattbur)

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Wilbur gave up, he had been looking at the picture on his laptop the whole day, yet couldn't find a single thing about why the Ram had stopped.

Eventually, after a lot of convincing from his brother, he went for a walk around the village.

It was a rather peaceful, not much happened, but Wilbur grew up here and still knew his way around the old village, while others saw a confusing maze of alleys and old houses, Wilbur saw the beauty in it all.

He had always loved something about the old village, either it was that there weren't a lot of tourists there or if it was the villagers that were the best part.

But now he was on his way to his second childhood home, the bakery.

His best friend lived there and they would constantly steal small pies or treats from the counter when her mother wasn't looking.

He missed the old times, the times when he didn't have a care in the world and could just do whatever he wanted. Now he always had to worry about getting the next meal on his plate.

He stood outside the bakery, the smell of fresh baked bread instantly coming his way.

He stood in the doorway  looking around a bit to see if anything changed, and it hadn't.

The lob sided photos still in the same place he had last seen them.

The yellow lamp still flickering in the corner.

The murals on the wall.

It felt like he had never left.

Wilbur turned to the counter, seeing a young woman there.

"Hi what can I ge-"

She started, but straight away recognised Wilbur.

"Oh my god, Wilbur, it's been so long, what can I get for you?"
"Hi Niki, I'll just have a hell bun"

Wilbur said with a smile.

"I can't believe you still remember that"
"I promised I would never forget"
"You also promised to visit once a year and we can see how that turned out"

She pointed out, turning to get a small baked circle with white chocolate in the middle.

"So has anything new happened here while I was gone?"
"Well not really, but last week something really shocking happened"
"What was it?"

Niki looked around worried, before signalling for Wilbur to follow her to the back. He did as asked and followed her.

"So why did you bring me back here?"
"Well no reason actually except that there's more privacy"
"Yea, but you know how you and Techno became police officers?"
"I'm a detective and Technos the police captain, but yea"
"Well congrats, but anyway, about a week ago someone got murdered"
"Wait what? Who?"
"Im not sure, but I think it was Jared"
"You mean the Jared? As in Jared my ex?"
"Yup, exactly him, but the police have no idea what happened, and since your a detective maybe you could go and try and help them?"
"I mean, I can try, if they even want my help"
"They do, they put an article in the paper asking anyone for any clues or an idea about what happened"
"Oh, well I'll go down tomorrow, is there anything else I should know before I help them?"
"Hmmmm, oh yes! The weirdest part about it, is that there was a letter found next to the dead body"

Wilbur gulped. He had a very strong suspicion about what was happening.

"... w- what did i-it say?"

He slowly asked.

"It wasn't addressed to them, it was addressed to you"

Wilbur was right, this wasn't a holiday anymore

Mcyt oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora