Chapter 17

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November 1943.

Steve has been on the road touring selling bonds on the USO tour. Near the end of the tour he visited what was left of the 107th, but he didn't know that. After the show, he was drawing in his journal and Peggy showed up and began talking to him. And he told her about his dream of being on the front lines and serving his country. That's when Peggy told him about the force Schmidt sent out to Azzano and how 200 men went up against him and how less than 50 returned. She told him that his audience contained what remained of the 107th, that the rest were killed or captured.

The two of them ran to Colonel Phillips and asked for the casualty list, specifically for Sergeant James Barnes. That's when Stacy overheard and ran up to them. That's when she heard the news and she was in shock. Her husband was dead or at the very least captured. Steve was in shock too, but it didn't take long before he asked about a rescue mission to save the others.

Stacy couldn't take it, she didn't care about a rescue mission only that she had lost her husband, and that he may never come back. She kept her emotions under control enough until the Colonel left before she broke down to the ground sobbing over her missing husband.

Steve left the tent and Peggy went running after him into the dressing 'room' for the USO tour, grabbing a few things. Once she saw that they were gone Stacy went after him. She stood outside in the rain keeping her sobs to herself.

"What do you plan to do, walk to Austria?"

"If that's what it takes."

Peggy went on about how Bucky is most likely dead and Steve argued with her. Steve walks out of the tent quickly, and that's when he sees Stacy. He gives her a quick hug and walks off quickly again, Stacy and Peggy following behind, and puts his things in the back of a jeep.

"You told me you thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean that?"

"Every word."

"Then you got to let me go."

"I can do more than that."

Peggy, Stacy, and Steve are in a plane being flown by Howard Stark going over where the camp is located.

"You two are gonna be in a lot of trouble when you land."

"And you won't?"

"Where I'm going, if anybody yells at me, I can just shoot them."

"I'm going with you," Stacy said strapping on her parachute.

"No, you're not. I'm not going in there to find Bucky just to tell him I got his wife killed trying to do this."

"I'm fully capable of taking care of myself, Steve."

"I'm not gonna die, and you won't either. Trust me."

"It's getting pretty hard to trust you. But fine if you get yourself killed it's on you."


Soon after exiting the plane and landing, Stacy and Steve fought and or killed every Hydra soldier that they came across. Sneaking their way in they finally came across where everyone was held and let everyone out of the cells. They then went to find Bucky as all of the soldiers went out and fought the Hydra soldiers.

Finally, they came to a hall at the end of it a man was coming out of a room like he was in a hurry to get out of there. After the man had left, Steve and Stacy began running down the hall, before coming across a room, where they had found Bucky laying on a table repeating his rank and serial number over and over again. Stacy had watched Steve and Bucky get reunited before announcing her presence to the two.

"We have to go. Now!" She announced. "Schmidt set off a bomb about six minutes ago so we have about, ten seconds before this place is blown straight to hell, Let's go."

"How do you know that?" Steve asked as they were leaving.

"Don't worry about that right now, worry about getting him to safety."

"What happened to you?" Bucky asked Steve.

"I joined the Army."

"Did it hurt?" Bucky asked more questions.

"A little," Steve replied.

"Is this permanent?"

"So far."

Making their way to the exit, they came across a room they had been through before, but this time it was beginning to explode in various places. they turned around and ran up a short flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs, they ran into Schmidt and Zola.

"Captain America! I am a great fan of your films!" Schmidt exclaimed.

Steve began walking onto the platform and so did Schmidt while Bucky and Stacy watched not being able to even notice each other's presence and not paying attention to what was being said. The two men began to fight. Zola pulled a lever on the other side and the platform began to separate.

"No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see, I was his greatest success!" Schmidt said and pulled off a mask revealing his true face, revealing that he was the Red Skull.

"You don't have one of those do you?" Bucky asked, astonished

Schmidt continued talking to Steve and threw his mask into the fire and walked into an elevator and was gone.

"Come on, let's go. Up." Steve said to the both of them and began climbing more stairs until they reached the top. Bucky went first, Steve helped him climb over the rail and onto the beam that was in between the two platforms, and he began slowly making his way across it. The beam began to fall but unbeknownst to the two men Stacy caught it, but it was heavy and she couldn't hold up much longer. Bucky had to run and jump to make it to the other side.

"There's gotta be a rope or something!" Bucky yelled.

"Just go! Get out of here!" Steve yelled back.

"No! Not without you!"

Stacy looked at Bucky and then back at Steve. Steve looked over and began bending the metal pole so the two of them could get out. They both backed up as far as they could and ran and jumped barely making it to the other side.

Steve, Bucky and Stacy all made it to the exit and rounded up the soldiers that were rescued and began marching them back to base. Arriving on base everyone gathered around to see what they had done together. Steve had led them, Stacy and Bucky following right behind him.

"Hey! Let's hear it for Captain America!" Bucky yelled to the crowd of people and they all cheered back in return.

At this moment, Stacy turned to her husband, grabbed his face, and pulled him down kissing him deeply for the first time in months.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"Does a lady need an excuse to kiss her husband?"

"No, no, not at all. In fact I hope that she does it again."

So, she did.

His Doll (Bucky Barnes x OC) (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now