Chapter 12

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Bucky and Stacy arrived home late that evening, they didn't even have to tell Steve that they were engaged, because he already knew.

The couple went to bed that night a little tense, something didn't feel right about this. Stacy knew the engagement was a good thing, for her and the mission, but she didn't like the idea of Alina being a bigger part of her life than she already was.

Bucky didn't know what to think, it felt good to be engaged to the woman he loved, but he felt she was keeping something from him. he didn't want to pressure her into telling him, but he wanted to know eventually. He planned to ask her first thing in the morning. He wasn't gonna leave her if she didn't tell him, because she must have her reasons. But it would make him trust her less.

Stacy woke up around 3:00 am the next morning, she had another nightmare. The Winter Soldier had tried to kill her again, and he almost succeeded. How is he able to manage this, she has all of these abilities, and it's like they're useless when she is fighting him. Bucky woke up next to her and asked if she was okay, but she ignored him. She was upset with him, she knew it wasn't Bucky's fault, it was the Winter Soldier's fault.

"You're gonna start ignoring me already?" He asked.

She didn't respond. Anger only grew inside her, every time she heard his voice.


She couldn't take it anymore, she began letting her magic flow through her body, instead of blocking it out, and raised her hand in the air, Bucky going with it.

Finally realizing what she was doing, she gently brought him back down to the bed and began apologizing profusely.

"What the hell! What are you?!"

"James, I- let me explain."

"How can you possibly explain this, you just lifted me into the air using magic or whatever the fuck it's called."

"That's what I call it, although I wasn't born with it."

"What do you mean not born with it?"

"I am a human being, but I'm not normal. In Russia, the KGB has this organization called Leviathan, now Leviathan is not an old organization only a year older than me. Anyways, when I was three years old, I was taken away from my parents to begin my training as a spy for their side. About a year later, a group of us was chosen for a series of experiments, I was the only one of us to survive. Those experiments gave me my abilities. I have spent the last 17 years of my life training and learning to control my powers. I was sent here on my final practice mission, long-term control, long-term civilian living. It hasn't been easy but you and Steve have made it so much more tolerable. Now you can't say a word to anyone, even Steve."

"Why not?"

"They'll kill you, slowly and painfully. It won't be pretty."

"I have a question. Do you even love me?"

"Of course, I love you Bucky, I love you more than anything or anyone. If I didn't, I would risk being with you."

"Is there an end to this mission?"

"No, the final training mission lasts as long as we keep our cover, once its blown were done."

"What's your name?"

"Anastasia Zina Lebedev."

"Anything else you want to tell me?"


His Doll (Bucky Barnes x OC) (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now