Chapter 15

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It has been four years since James and Stacy had gotten married. The U.S. entered the Second World War last year. Things have been tough for the three friends. Steve was trying to enlist, and Bucky and Stacy were so scared that they would take him. Stacy wasn't only scared about Steve, she was terrified that Bucky would get drafted, but she knew he would enlist before they got the chance to draft him.

The one morning that Stacy had wished Bucky was there he wasn't. She walked out of their bedroom and into the kitchen and immediately saw the note left on her kitchen counter.

It read, "I went to enlist, I'll be back soon so we can talk."

She knew this was going to happen. It just so happens that she had heard of this organization, the S.S.R. from Alina. She thought that if he was going to enlist that she wasn't going to sit back and do nothing while he went and fought in this war.

Going to check the mail she saw a letter, a different type of letter, like the ones she received from Leviathan. There was no stamp so it must've been hand-delivered, that was obvious. Walking back into her apartment, she began to open the letter and read it. It was a recruitment letter for the Strategic Scientific Reserve. She was being recruited, how convenient she didn't have to explain to anyone how she found the place. She was concerned that the government found her, but she didn't worry too much about it, it was the government that could find anyone. Holding the letter to her chest, she just thought about how great it would be to serve a country other than Russia. To serve a power other than Leviathan. But she was also thinking about how much she would miss Bucky and Steve. Her thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and shutting behind her.

"Hey, doll," Bucky said as she turned around.

"How did it go?"

"Okay, Sergeant Barnes, I was assigned to the 107th."

"That's great I suppose, when do you leave?"

"Tomorrow, we need to go on a double date before I leave though, me, you, Steve, and that friend of yours, Alice, I think her name was, the one that came to our wedding."

"That sounds like fun, where to?"

"The Stark Expo is tonight, wanna go?"

"Uh, of course, I wanna go, I want to spend as much time with my husband as I can. I'll call Alice."

After calling Alice, Bucky announced that he was going to go find Steve and tell him the news before packing his things.

After Bucky had left, Stacy reread the letter, especially the part about when she was to leave New York, in three days. She would have to make up an excuse, say that she and Alice were going away for a few days.

"Hey, is it okay if Steve and I meet you there?"

"Yeah. Here I went out and got you this earlier." She said pulling a watch out of her pocket and popping open the back to show him the picture inside.

"Thank you, Doll."

About an hour later, Stacy began getting ready for their date while Bucky got ready with Steve. Hearing a knock at her door she went to answer it. 'Alice' was on the other side ready for their double date.

"You look nice," Stacy said dryly.

"Thank you."

"We're going to meet the boys there."


"I leave for London in three days."


"I was recruited for the S.S.R.."

"Oh, well does your husband know?"

"No, he can't know he'll freak out."

"Can't be any worse than when you told him you are a Russian spy."

"How did you find out about that?"

"I bugged your place. Don't worry they won't find out I promise."

"That doesn't matter right now we have to go before we're late."

"Well, are you going to tell him?"

"Tonight, maybe."

Once the two arrived at the expo, they waited for their dates. After the boys arrived, the four-headed inside and went and visited all of the attractions they were going to end this part of the date at the showing of Howard Stark's new invention the hovercar. As they watched the car engines sputtered and the car landed on the floor of the stage.

"Do you know where Steve might've gone?" Alice asked Stacy and Bucky.

"No-" Stacy started before she turned around and saw the sign advertising for enlistment, "Actually, I might."

The three-headed towards the enlistment office. And just as she had thought there he was about to head into the enlistment office.

"We'll wait out here," Stacy said to Bucky.

"Okay but when we get back we're going dancing."



"You have to tell him," Alice told her.

"I know and I will, it's just I've hurt him so many times, I don't want to do it again."

"Believe me keeping this a secret will hurt him more in the long run."

"Hurt who?" Bucky asked.

"I'll tell you later."


The three of them ended up walking to the dance hall. Once they arrived they all got a drink at the bar and Bucky and Stacy began dancing.

After about three hours the three of them went home. Once James and Stacy entered their apartment, she told him what she was worried would hurt him.

"I'm leaving for London in three days."


"I was recruited by the S.S.R. and I have to leave in three days for training."

"What's the S.S.R.?"

"It's the Strategic Scientific Reserve."

"Do you have to leave?"

"I already bought my ticket."

"Oh, okay. I mean if that's what you want to do."

"It is. I want to serve this country more than anything right now."

"Okay. let's get you packed then."

His Doll (Bucky Barnes x OC) (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now