Chapter 3

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It's been one month since Stacy met Steve and James.

It was about 8:00 on June 29, 1935 when she heard a knock on her front door. Getting up from the sofa, she answered it seeing Bucky on the other side.

"I thought we were meeting for lunch, why are you here at eight in the morning?" She questioned him.

"I need your help," he said sitting on the sofa.

"Steve's birthday is this Thursday and-" Stacy cut him off.

"This Thursday! As in five days from now, that Thursday! And nobody told me!"

"Yeah, sorry he doesn't want anyone to make a big deal out of it so it'll just be us three, and we always go to the Independence Day street fair and watch fireworks."

"That sounds like fun...Does Steve want anything, you know like a present, he seems like the hard-to-shop-for type and I haven't known him near as long as you have?"

"Not that I know of, I'll ask though," he replied not even thinking about what she said but the sound of her voice.

"Right, I'm gonna go, I'll see you later Stacy," he said going to door.

"Okay, bye Buck."

She immediately stood from her seat on the couch and moved to lock the door behind him, then closing all of the windows, and drawing the curtains closed.

Just like every other day, she went and checked every place in her apartment for her weapons, then taking the time to practice her abilities, or 'magic' as she put it, before getting ready to meet her friends for lunch.

She met the two at a cafe near the square and the three enjoyed lunch and a walk together.

Steve had always felt like a third-wheel around the two, especially now that he relized Bucky was falling in love with Stacy.

It was weird because Bucky had never been like this with a girl, he had always made a move the second he picked up on any signals they sent, and he had never actually been in love, but it was different now, and everyone knew that.

It's not like Stacy isn't interested. If anyone were to look at the two they would see a couple in love, but they continue to tell themselves and everyone else that they are just friends.

Stacy had never been in love, she's never even liked a boy before. She did know that her feelings towards James were different than her feelings for Steve. Very different. She didn't understand why.

Bucky knew, he knew Stacy was different than any other girl he's ever met, unique. He doesn't know how different, how unique, she really is.

Stacy will do anything she can to make sure he doesn't find out what makes her so, different. They promised her that if anyone found out they would die. Not only would they die, but they would die at her hand.

She wouldn't mind if it were anyone else, but she had grown attached to the two men. It may have been in two different ways but that didn't matter. She didn't want them to die. Not because of her.

A/N: I aged Steve up one year to kinda fit just a little bit better with the storyline. And I do plan on writing more fanfics like this one, but like different depending on the character, so if you want give me character recommendations and I will start writing them.

His Doll (Bucky Barnes x OC) (1/2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon