"Audri! What have you done to poor Akito!?"

"Clearly nothing effective if she's still talking about me.", Audrina closed the laptop with a little more force.

Shigure walked around to the other side of the table, and sat a playful smile on his face as he looked at Audrina. And immediately he could tell a difference in her. A subtle change is only noticeable after getting used to something for so long. And he was so used to her looking defeated, sad. But he saw something else. A change.

"Your name was brought up a few times correct. Apparently you haven't visited her since Rin."

"Mhm", she nodded, holding a tight smile. "What else."

"Couple of insults and a demand to come retrieve you."

Audrina shook her head, "can't I have plans tonight, and I don't want her ruining my day, I'll visit her tomorrow."

Shigure pretended to be shocked and stood to move to the steps. Hatori too watched as the male sat on the steps. "Another round today. Don't you ever get tired of taunting Akito?"

"Ugghhh; you're so mean doc."

Audrina again rolled her eyes as she opened her laptop one last time, to try and ignore their conversation.

"Seriously, she seems to withdrawal into her self every time you visit."

"Oh you don't say! That's terrible."

And that alone confirmed that she wasn't going to be doing any work. She placed two fingers on the side of her temples and tried to soothe the rising headache from being in Shigure's presence alone. "You're too old to be acting like this.", she groaned.

"Try being honest about your feelings for once.", Hatori sterned. Audrina came up behind him and leaned against the edge of the door. "The longer you do this, the more stubborn she'll get."

"Ahhh, you make it sound easy. Like my feelings are straight forward."

And just as she was willing to partake in the conversation and put in her own input. Her phone buzzed. Both of the men looked as a small smile played on her lips. She didn't even bother looking at either of them before she turned and walked off answering the call.

"Hey", she spoke.

And before the door closed a faint voice came from the other end.

Hey, Kayla's here and wants to hog your attenti-

Shigure looked back and watched her every move until the door shut. Hatori noticed and looked back from the door to the man. He narrowed his eyes and stepped in way of his line of sight.

"Don't tell me......."

"No...", Shigure sighed. "Unfortunately."

"And what do you mean by that.", he crossed his arms.

Shigure stood and placed a hand on his chin, "I've tried. Tried to find it in me to love her on the romantic scale. But no matter how much I wish to conjure up such feelings. Nothing compares."

  Hatori's eyes widened at the confession. He didn't expect his assumption to be true. He just thought it would be something Shigure would laugh it. But instead, he admitted it. The times they were together.....

Whenever Shigure and Audrina were together, there was tension. But clearly only from one party. Hatori never took into consideration that. Shigure would ever even develop feelings for her. Neither did her think it's be as point blank. But the entire thought behind the concept was his feelings for Akito.

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