Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: Update

Hey everyone, FlameXFullmetal here. I know that it has been a long time since I updated last and I know that the fact that this isn't a new chapter is going to bother a lot of people however, there are some things that need to be discussed. First and foremost, thank you. I was on the fence regarding the future of the stories and all of you have made me see that I was truly being my own harshest critic. I fully intend to keep the stories going and I am currently working on the next chapters and the beginning of the next arc. I am writing it out in paper first then transferring it to digital for the sole purpose of making me re-read the story multiple times to catch as many errors as possible. Hopefully this will cut down on some grammar and spelling mistakes.

Second, I am searching for a beta that can help with both spelling/grammar and getting the fight scenes for the next arc fleshed out as I have never written any thing like this. I am struggling with the pacing and the sequences of the fights, the order they should be in and overall picture I am trying to paint for them. Seeing as this arc is a big character development arc in regards to Second Chances I can't risk it going horribly wrong. I hope that you understand why it has been taking so long for an update. I promise I have not abandoned my stories no matter how it looks. I just need time to make things work and flow the way that I see and need them to go. Along with the next arc starting I am attempting to close up any plot holes or problems with the stories like where the hell Kisame went after coming to Konoha in Second Chances. I can't believe I never mentioned him once since that time!

Once more I want to thank everyone for their kind words and encouragement at a time when my dissatisfaction with the stories was at an all time high. As requested by many people, should I ever do a re-write of my stories then I have every intention of leaving the original up. Why do people take the originals down? Anyway, thank all of you for your patience.


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