Chapter 04

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Chapter 04: Somethings Do Change

"Who are you and where is Naruto-kun?" a pair of angry byakugan's glared at him and in front of him was his future wife ready to attack. Naruto gulped.

"Ah….Hinata-chan you see the thing is…" Naruto gulped. This was so vastly different from the Hinata that he knew he had no idea how to handle the situation. As the kunoichi narrowed her eyes and prepared to attack Naruto knew that he needed to do something.

"Ah Hinata-chan I swear that I am Naruto and um can we talk about this in a non-violent manner? Please?" He pleaded.

"Where is Naruto-kun?" she repeated. Groaning Naruto held his head and sighed knowing there was no way out of this conversation.

"Hinata-chan, I can explain everything but not here in the open. The less people that know the better. I really need some sleep anyway so my house?" he suggested. The kunoichi growled slightly but relaxed her stance slightly. As Naruto slowly led her back to his house he whined at his tenant. 'This sucks. I didn't have any time to figure out what I am going to tell her!'

'Well sucks to be you. By the way you are being followed by her ever faithful retainer. You might want to do something about that.' Groaning Naruto spun, grabbed Hinata's hand and sped away as soon as his smoke bomb hit the ground. While a normal smoke bomb would never have affected a Hyuga, this one had been specially formulated to temporarily render the user blind for a period of two minutes. Not completely blind granted but unable to use their eyes. Hinata couldn't help but hiss at the blonde as he let go only when they were in his apartment. Before she could say anything he placed several privacy seals and dropped on his bed.

"Ko was following us. Like I said the fewer the people who know the better. Please have a seat." He motioned. Sitting in a kitchen chair tentatively Hinata waited for the explanation.

"This may be confusing but try to bear with me till the end. I am but I am not Naruto Uzumaki. My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and I am the Rokudaime Hokage. I am 31 years old and one of only two survivors of Konohagakure no Sato. I time traveled to try and fix the damage that was done by a shinobi of Konoha and to stop Konoha's annihilation. After using a jutsu that I spent thirteen years developing I arrived in this time this morning. By all rights my stronger self, my future self, absorbed my weaker self and took command of my body. So while the body is that of Naruto Uzumaki 12 year old genin of Konoha, my mind is that of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze 31 year old Hokage." He started getting her attention. Hinata's eyes were widening with each passing word and despite the improbability of what he was saying (time travel) she truly believed what he was saying.

"Who is the other one? The other survivor you mentioned."

"Uchiha Sasuke 31 year old jonin of Konohagakure no Sato, my best friend and surrogate brother. He helped me do the jutsu to come back here. We honestly weren't expecting to come back so close to the exam start though." Naruto chuckled in embarrassment. "Hinata I know that you have a lot of questions and trust me I would like to answer them all but unfortunately for you some things are better left unknown. Just trust me when I say that the future is not a cheery place and that I have to do something to stop it. I am not an imposter I am just more mature and have an older mentally with a true idea of what is expected of a shinobi of Konoha. Can you trust me?" He asked steadily. Quietly Hinata weighed her options and pondered the words of the time traveler. If the future was truly that bad then why would they risk having to live it a second time? What happened if things don't change?

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