Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Amachi's End

Morning had come to soon for the team as they gathered outside of the inn and looked around the sleepy town. For the rookies it was a new experience attempting to plan for every possible scenario that could happen and most found their heads spinning. So when they met up and began to discuss plans they found themselves stumped.

"So we definitely need to work on strategy and planning with you, which is good to know. We can do that as we take breaks between locations." Asuma mused as the rookies blushed. Glancing around once more he nodded, mostly to himself. "Let's start by asking questions and see if we can't locate the target. It would be much to suspicious if we knew exactly where to find them as soon as we arrived. If you locate either target then call in on your radios. Do not approach them. Naruto's data states that Isaribi is quite distrustful and it is only because of his past that she opened up to him."


It didn't take very long for all of the shinobi to notice that many of the local populace as terrified of the number of people that had been "spirited away" and never returned as well as how many more would go missing. They also noticed the amount of venom that was directed towards the only one to return. It was quickly becoming apparent that no matter where they were there would always fear and hate those that were different in any way. Furthermore, it wasn't that hard to locate Isaribi when a commotion occurred near the marketplace. For the rookies it was startling to see just how far some people would go to reject anyone that was different as well as poorly treated they were. All of them had been sheltered by the safety of Konoha's walls, and for those that had them, their clans as well.

" this what Naruto had to go through in Konoha?" Choji asked quietly.

"Yes, except he didn't understand why until he became a genin. At least the poor girl knows why she is being targeted like this. Granted that doesn't make it right and most certainly take away from the cruelty but this happens everywhere in every village, city and town I'm afraid." He replied. As Isaribi started to make her way from the market they nodded and headed out themselves. Knowing that they would have to move quickly to prevent another ship from being attacked. Catching up with Isaribi once she had left the village Asuma nodded to the team and Shikamaru, Ino and Choji moved from their spots to intercept her.

"Ano, you wouldn't happen to be Isaribi would you?" Shikamaru asked from behind her making her jump. As she turned Ino couldn't help but flinch as the girl's cold eyes fell on them.

"What do you want? Did the villagers send you?" She spat.

"No the village didn't send us. Konoha did actually. Truth is we are here on a mission and the locals told us about you. Said that you were spirited away and was the only one to come back. We were hoping to get more information about your experience." The girl narrowed her eyes at the team and nearly snarled at them.

"I can't tell you anything that you probably don't already know, so leave me alone."

"I'm afraid we can't do that. We know it was Orochimaru's subordinate that abducted you. We also know how the snake works. The most likely scenario was that you were experimented on and that the bandages hide the end result. We also know that you don't escape from Orochimaru or anyone under him. That means that you were sent back to the village. So what is it that he is after?"

"..." Isaribi was quiet as she regarded the team before her, weighing her options. Eventually, she turned and huffed. "Like I said I can't tell you what you are looking for. I don't remember what happened after I was spirited away." Shikamaru sighed and watched as the girl took a few steps.

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