Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: The End of Tyranny

Hinata and Shino were, for the most part, managing to hold their own against the woman that had attacked them. She was a strange shinobi with seemingly no pattern or form to her style. Luckily for Hinata she had practice fighting against Naruto's more unpredictable styles. Despite being so far behind his classmates Shino seemed to be doing a fairly good job of keeping pace with the battle as well. However, they were wearing down faster than she was and that was a problem.

"Shino, I need a favor." Hinata whispered to her comrade.

"I'm listening."

"I have been experimenting with my juken style. I haven't perfected it but since she seems to be a close range fighter it seems to be the best choice. However, it is not perfected yet and as a result I will need to be covered and have a few minutes to gather the chakra necessary for this particular variation." She said to her mostly silent friend.

"I'll do what I can but try not to take to long." He said standing. He knew that at best he could buy her a minute or two with his current level. How hurt he would be at the end would be another story. Nodding Hinata moved out of sight and began to focus her chakra. She really hated to ask Shino for such a dangerous favor but at the same time she truly needed some time. If she could pull the new variation off she would give them a fighting chance. She had to force all other thoughts from her mind as hard as it was for her. 'Naruto-kun we could really use some help right now.' She thought to herself.

With Naruto...

The battle with Ryusuke had been one-sided ever since the traitor had mentioned that Hiyari was in the mansion. Naruto had left Ryusuke no time to counter attack at all. It was all the older Uzumaki could do to prevent a fatal wound. Somehow the boy had tripled his speed and strength with no warning. Jumping back to put some distance between them he tried to think of a way to create an opening to change the tide of the battle. It was then that the mansion shook violently as a loud explosion could be heard. Naruto raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"It was Maro fighting the teme down below right?"

"Yeah so what of it?"

"I hate to tell you but he is dead. That explosion could only have been caused by one technique. No one has ever survived that technique." Naruto informed the man. 'Well, except for Itachi.' he thought to himself.

"To think that he would fall to a genin. Pathetic."

"In case you hadn't noticed we aren't exactly genin." Naruto said sweat dropping at his uncle. Ryusuke just glared and smirked. He had managed to gather the necessary chakra for the technique he had created while training under his dragon summons.

"Nephew or not I think that it is time to die." Ryusuke said as his body became encased in a silver sheen of chakra. The force that was being released from it was immense and Naruto gritted his teeth. The last time he had felt anything like this was when the Jubi had been revived. Before he could blink his uncle was in front of him. The force of the blow to his face sent him flying through the wall and outside of the mansion with little to no resistance from the walls. As he crashed to the ground and skidded for a few feet he cursed. That had hurt, a lot.

'So that was his phantom dragon armor. Similar to A's lightening armor he can increase his speed astronomically while increasing the force of his attacks. Most likely it will have some effect on his ninjutsu as well.' Naruto thought to himself as he stood shakily. Looking up he saw his uncle smirking at him.

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