Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: The Preliminaries Begin

"The first match will be Akado Yoroi vs. Uchiha Sasuke." Hayate called out. Naruto nodded mentally as the match was the exact same. 'The only difference will be in how much damage Sasuke does this time around.' He thought to himself. As Hayate waited for the last of the competitors to make their way to the balcony he eyed the two fighters before him. The Hokage had instructed all of the proctors to pay close attention to team seven in particular. Why he had no idea but as he stared at the Uchiha survivor he realized that the boy wasn't even concerned by the older genin before him. Nor did he look cocky. It seemed as if he had already formulated a plan of attack and was just waiting for the moment to strike. 'Not at all like a genin. More like a seasoned jonin on the front lined of a war.' He mused.

"Begin." No sooner than the word left his mouth Hayate watched as Yoroi slammed into the wall behind him from a devastating punch to the face that he hadn't even seen. Sasuke stood where Yoroi had been fist still extended.

"Get up. There is no way that was enough to defeat you." Sasuke growled as Yoroi slowly pulled himself up. Glaring at his target from behind his glasses, Yoroi cursed. If Sasuke was that strong and fast he wasn't going to be able to hold back which would blow his cover. However, if he held back he wouldn't be able to test him like Orochimaru wanted him to do. Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to think as the genin was in front of him once more and this time he met another wall courtesy of a spin kick to the face. 'I can't even track him!' He practically screamed mentally. The third kick took him by surprise as Sasuke flawlessly performed the shadow dance and launched him into the air. As he did the first time, Sasuke began his Shishi Rendan. The difference this time was the addition of raiton chakra to every blow. 'He's not getting back up, or walking ever again.' Sasuke thought as he slammed his foot into the spy's midsection, the ribs giving way under his foot. Landing on his feet Sasuke turned and headed for the balcony.

"Winner Uchiha Sasuke." Hayate called out in mild shock. The match had displayed a surprising amount of brutality and no restraint despite fighting another leaf nin. Furthermore the Uchiha didn't look concerned at all by his opponent's condition. The speed he displayed was something that Hayate had never thought a genin could accomplish and to top it all off the match had been a mere thirty seconds! As Sasuke reached the balcony he received a high five from his friend and leaned on the railing to wait.

"Next match will be Tsuchi Kin vs. Nara Shikamaru." As the two took their positions Shikamaru sighed.

"Begin." Jumping away from his opponent, Shikamaru drew a handful of kunai and launched them around the ring. Ignoring Kin's mocking about his aim he quickly extended his shadows and caught the girl before she knew what had happened. Walking her towards one of his kunai he reached down and grabbed an imaginary weapon. Unfortunately for Kin, she grabbed a real one. Placing it to his throat he looked at Hayate.

"Call the match. Otherwise I will have no choice but to end her life." He drawled out. Kin's eyes widened as she realized the position she was in. All he had to do was thrust his imaginary kunai further and she would bury the sharp object in her throat ending her own life.

"Winner Nara Shikamaru." Hayate called in shock of having witnessed another half a minute match. Releasing the kunoichi, Shikamaru collected his kunai and headed for the balcony without a word. Looking back at the board Hayate nodded slightly.

"Next match Abumi Zaku vs. Aburame Shino." The fighters arrived quickly and with a quick nod he started the match. Once again the match was quick with Shino surrounding his opponent and forcing his hand...then promptly blowing them off as Zaku refused to quit and used plugged wind tunnels. Hayate sighed. The new genin were making the older shinobi question what they had been doing during their genin days while displaying next to nothing of their skills. Up in the balcony Naruto was nodding to himself. So far the matches had been the same...however, that was about to change and he knew it. Without Sakura or Kiba there was no way that the matches could remain the same. He was proved right when the next match was declared.

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