Three Months Later

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(I started writing this chapter Tue. Nov. 22, 2022. I started getting tired. Wed. and Thur. woke up with temperature of 103 so I just slept a lot.)

"Push mommy, push, brother Indro wants out." Kaia yells at me.

"So, you want to name your brother Indro?" I ask Kaia.

Of course, Vlamir is passed out on the floor again so that is why Kaia is talking to us.

"He told me that is what he wants to be named. He also told me his wolf's name is Icon." Kaia tells me.

"When did he tell you this sweetheart?" I look at Kaia confused.

"When you were a sleep, I laid my head on your tummy, and he talked to me." Kaia explains to me.

Oh Goddess, please don't let this child come out talking. I giggle in my head.

"Push mommy, Indro is almost out." Kaia says to me. Such a good coach.

I push really hard and hear my baby boy pup cries. Marcia puts him on me. I lick his face clean. I push one more time to push out the placenta. Marcia places it in a bowl. I hand her Indro. I shift into my wolf Jasmine. She eats the placenta. We decided she would eat it instead of wasting time to cook and eat it. Jasmine doesn't mind because she knows our pup will get the nutrition he needs from the placenta. Jasmine walks over to Marcia holding Indro. Jasmine licks Indro clean. Indro coos and grabs onto Jasmine nose. Jasmine starts to purr. I shift back and hold Indro and Kaia in my arms.

"What do you think about your brother princess?" I ask Kaia.

"I love him. I love you Indro and I'm going to be the best big sister ever." Kaia says kissing Indro cheek. Vlamir starts to stir. He gets up.

"Is my baby boy here yet?" Vlamir says grinning.

"Yes, your son's name is Indro. Are you going to pass out each time I give birth to your pups?" I look at Vlamir laughing a little.

He comes over and wraps his arms around Kaia, Indro, and me. He looks at us three and grins.

"My beautiful family. Look at my baby boy. I think he looks like a boy version of Kaia. Maybe, our next child will have my looks." Vlamir says and kisses our foreheads.

"Well, I'll see you guys later. Stupid pack work to do. I love you three." Vlamir says before he leaves.

Indro starts to shift. "No, Indro, not now. Mommy needs to show you, her memories." Kaia tells Indro.

"How do you know I need to show him my memories?" I ask Kaia.

"You showed me when I was born. Hurry, show Indro, daddy Thunder, and daddy Caspian." Kaia says in excitement.

I touch Indro temples and flood his newborn born mind with all the memories that my mother gave until yesterdays memories. I left out the sexual parts of course.

"Do you understand Indro?" Kaia asks her brother. He nods his head.

I decided we will go to the theater room and watch some learning movies for Kaia and Indro. Marcia was following holding Kaia. I see that she-wolf whore Laurie walk by. What the hell? She is not supposing to be in this part of the pack house. Don't tell me Vlamir is doing what he did with Melissa. I look at Marcia since she cleans his room. She shrugs her shoulders. So, he is not fucking her yet. I been wanting to toast someone again. Patches shows up and joins us in watching kids' movies. She takes Indro from me. Kaia growls.

"Don't you growl at me little princess. I just want to see your adorable brother. I'm sorry I had missed his birth." Patches says to Kaia.

"Nana Patches, mommy let me name him Indro and his wolf's name is Icon." Kaia says with excitement.

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