The Announcement

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We woke up and took our shower and I fed Titania and Nikan. We head to the throne room. The Moon Goddess and the Fairy Goddess is waiting for us. We head for the announcement balcony. I made sure to mind-link all citizens to the court yard below the balcony. The moon Goddess and the Fairy Goddess project an image of us to the surrounding packs for the announcement.

"Good morning my fairy children! You all know me I'm your Fairy Goddess. Jade, will be the head Queen of all fairies of the world until the day she dies. Which I don't see that ever happening. Thunder and Caspian will be the head Kings of all fairies of the world until the day they die. Which I don't see that happening. Titania will just take over this kingdom when she turns of age. Jade, Thunder, and Caspian will have complete control of all species. They were chosen to keep all species united." The Fairy Goddess announces to everyone.

"Good morning my wolf children! You all know me I'm your Moon Goddess. Jade, will be the head Queen of all wolves of the world until the day she dies. Thunder and Caspian will be the head Kings of all wolves of the world until the day they die. Nikan will just take over the Silver Moon pack when he turns of age. We are here to announce the reason we have made these decisions." The Moon Goddess announces.

"Angels have come to us for help. They informed us that demons are taking control of shifters souls. They find shifters who already have evil thoughts in their heads. The shifters who have the strongest bad smell are ones who souls are completely lost to the demons. If the bad smell is not so strong the shifter could be saved. It means that a demon who is not that strong is trying to take the shifter soul. The shifter who lost their souls must be killed so the demon soul can be sent back to hell. Jade, Thunder, and Caspian were given the gift to be able to smell out the evil demons. Jade and Patches will have to use a spell to extract the lesser strong demons from a shifter. These demons want to kill all species so they can control the humans. They want all Gods children to suffer for them being sent to hell. God loves his creations of the humans therefore he sent his Angels to us for help. Every species all over the world has to follow by Jade rules and laws. These demons will try to trick you. They will tell you they can bring a loved one back to life. Some will transform into an image of a loved one who passed just to gain your soul. So, far, Jade has been doing a great job with finding some of these demons. The biggest amount in one spot was in the Blue Moon pack. We believe that Vlamir is one of the high-ranking demons. He has to be found soon and sent..." The Fairy Goddess tells us but I interrupt her.

"Fairy Goddess, are you saying my pups are part demon?" I ask with fear in my eyes.

"No, the do not have any demon in their genes. We made sure of that." The Moon Goddess tells me.

"Thank you! Thank you, so much for not letting the demon gene get to my pups." I say bowing to them.

"You will have to keep a close eye on your pups. As long as Vlamir is out there he will want to get to your pups. He knew you were the fairy princess this whole time. He wanted to have pups with you hoping they would have all your power and have some of his demon genes. He wants to use them, control them, and make them help to kill shifters. That is why I had to use a lot of my power to stop the demon gene from getting into your pups." The Moon Goddess tells me.

My father mind-linked me. "We have the pups guarded all the time. Plus, Kaia has already been training. She is a small force not to be messed with. She has already put a couple of trainers in the hospital." My father says chuckling.

"Vlamir must be caught soon. No harm can be made to Jade pups. Everyone must stay aware of your surroundings. This is the end of our announcement. We must go because we have new wolves and fairies being born." The Moon Goddess tells us and disappears.

"You heard our Fairy Goddess and Moon Goddess. Stay safe. You can go back home or to your jobs. Thanks for coming for the announcement." I tell the citizens.

"We have to find Titania her warrior mate. I had all warriors with sons that are one years old to come to the throne room." Thunder tells me.

We turn around and walk back into the throne room. I am shocked when Titania starts to glow. What is going on? She should glow only at 18 when she is close to her warrior mate. We walk down the line and stop in front of a little boy when Titania glows the brightest.

"Well, Titania has chosen one of my friends' grandsons." William says.

I bend down and look at the boy. Titania reaches her little hand out and touches his face.

"What is you name sweety?" I ask him.

"My name is Peace, my Queen." Peace says and bows.

"Peace." A little voice says and I look at Titania because the voice came from her.

"Well, Peace, we are going to be family so you can just call me Jade." I tell him.

He looks at me, hugs me, and kisses Titania on her forehead.

"I promise I will protect you Titania with my life." Peace says to Titania. The other warriors left with their sons. We let Titania and Peace play together for a while with Nikan who shifted to his wolf form. We talked to Peace father and mother for a while. They are a very nice couple. They say that Peace is a triplet. The other two are girls. Triplets rarely happen to be born to fairies. After a while it was getting late. We fed the kids and started for bed. The kids were very tired and fell right to sleep. I fell a sleep on Caspian chest while Thunder was reading a book to us.

Her Revenge on her Fake MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon