My Paintings

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When I get up at 4:50 am, I just don't feel like a shower so I just run up to the kitchen to get ready to prepare for breakfast. Sure, enough there Vaness, Marcia, and the two male Omegas. They turn to look at me. "What are you guys looking at?" I say while giggling. "Are you going to do most of the work like dinner yesterday?" Marcia asks me. "Guys, I will always do the work just like we did for dinner yesterday. Also, from now on we will make extra plates for ourselves to eat. We are the only ones in the kitchen so, no one will know. We will put the leftovers in tubs in the dumpsters instead of just throwing the food in the dumpster. That is so degrading to have wolves from this pack digging food off the dumpster floor to eat it. We will make a sign telling the wolves to bring back the containers before the high-ranking wolves wake up. The high-ranking wolves never goes inside the dumpsters so we won't have to worry about getting in trouble for what we do. If they do, I will say I did it and take the punishment. Vaness, Marcia, would you two like to go on a walk with me tonight?" I just had to spit it all out. I was thinking about things to do and improve in secret trying to fall asleep last night. "Hell, yeah we do." Vaness and Marcia says together. "What about us?" One of the Omega males ask. "I'll take you two tomorrow. I will take you guys every other day. I know you two barely get to let your wolves out." I say to the male Omegas. The one who asked me looks to be around the age of forty-five and the other looks to be eighteen years old. "Well, let us get to work. Ugh! I have to see what Parisa wants me to do after breakfast. I guess you four will have to clean everything up without me." I cringe while saying this. We get to work preparing the big list of breakfast food. Again, we are done before we should be. We start placing the food and drinks on the dinning tables. Surprisingly, Parisa is the first to enter. We serve her first. Then the three asshats come in. I want o vomit so badly right now. I got to train myself to control my gagging reflexes. Vlamir, Sen, and Tyrion all have their hideous eyes following me. Why me, why? I mean they are sexy looking it's just their attitude and the way they think. Of course, while pouring their drinks, they have to touch me in some way. Finally, breakfast was over. I'm about to go into the kitchen to help a little bit when Parisa grabs my wrist and my hair pulling me backwards. I whimper a little to make her think she is hurting me. She is such a dumb bitch. I could just make her go up in flames with my element power fire. Parisa drags me to the room that has Alpha Seth scent. It is obvious Seth and Parisa never shared this room. "I want all these painting taken down and thrown away. All of Seth's clothes, soaps, shampoo, everything of his thrown away. This is going to be Vlamir room when he is Alpha. I could not stand being in this room with Seth. Throw out his bedding too. Wash the walls and curtains. Remove his nasty smelling scent from this room. When you are done here clean his office. Make sure there is not small bit of his scent left in that office. Any personal items he has in there thrash them. I'm going to be visiting my father today and when I return if I smell a small bit of Seth scent you will get a hundred lashes with the silver wipe." Parisa basically yells at me while throwing me down to my knees and leaving. Looking around the room I gasp. Seth had bought a lot of my paintings. One is of Seth in his human form with his wolf form sitting beside him. Another, is of me and him in our wolf form howling at the moon when I was just a pup. Every painting in this room is of us together in our wolf forms. Tears flow down my face like a waterfall. I never knew he bought all these paintings of mine. I guess he was my biggest fan. He did dote on me a lot. He was my father since my father died. At least mom, dad, and Seth are together now. One day I will join them. Instead of trashing all of his things I summon them to a cave I saw beside the cave the family I met is in. I clean all the walls with control of my element powers water and air. It was so much faster to get done this way. I head to Seth office. His office has some of my paintings too. My, my, how many paintings did he buy. I'll have to check all rooms I clean today to know exactly how many. I summon all his personal items that he has to the cave. I use my element powers again to wash the walls. "Seth, mom, if you are watching over me, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have used what powers I did know how to use to save you two. I love you both. I will revenge you both." I wipe off some of the tears. For an intelligent Fairy, I sure am stupid. I could have saved them but mom had to order me to run. UGH! After I was done with the office, I started cleaning each room in record speed and in each room was a few of my painting. I saved the three asshats' rooms for last. They should not be in their rooms. But it seems I am not lucky today. I am going into Sen's room to clean. I close the door so no one can see me use my powers. After closing the door, I turn around to see Sen naked coming out of the bathroom. UGH! I turn to try and get out the door. He grabs my hair and pushes me down on my knees. My face in right in front of his thick erect cock. "Suck my stallion you nasty little whore." Sen says while pushing my mouth toward his cock. "Open your mouth whore. Be sure to suck my stallion hard too. Take in all down your throat. Don't you even spit out my cum either." Sen says while I'm struggling to get away. He pushes his cock inside my mouth. I do not suck it at all. He just starts pushing every inch into my mouth. I gag a bit. Sen starts thrusting his cock faster in and out my mouth. "Aww, damn, this feels so good. Take this cock whore. Yes, I'm going to full your nasty whore mouth up with a ton of cum, you won't need to get lunch because you will be full." Sen says with a few grunts and moans. He growls out when he cums into my mouth and I swallow it while gaging. Sen gets dress then leaves. I run to the bathroom and make myself throw up. After washing my mouth out with Sen's mouthwash, I start cleaning his rooms. I pray Tyrion and Vlamir is not in their rooms. I'm entering Tyrion room. I peak into his room, looking around and listening for any sound. I hear nothing so I go in and start to dust. I get grabbed by the back of my neck. Tyrion pulls me towards his bed, his hand still around my neck when he pushes me to bend over the side of his bed, with his other hand he reaches in his side table and grabs a condom. Still holding onto my neck, he puts the condom on with one hand. Next thing he rams his erect hard cock into me. "Little tight pussy pup, you are going to enjoy me pounding into you. Damn, I can't believe you are still this tight after Vlamir got to you. Did you like his cock? Does my cock feel better than his?" Tyrion whispers in my ear while he keeps thrusting in me. I say nothing. I don't moan or make any noise of pleasure for him. I hate I will have to put up this for a couple of years. "Oh, yeah, so tight, yes, here I cum pup." Tyrion grunts and growls out. Once he is done, he pulls out of me, pulls the condom off and smacks my ass with his limp cock. He lets go of my neck. He goes to his closet and gets dressed and leaves. I quickly clean and leave. Now, Vlamir room. I go in this time checking everywhere. Thank the Goddess he is not in his room. I clean his room. I look at the time it is time for lunch. I run down to the kitchen. Before I reach the kitchen, someone kicks me in my back making me fall on my face. I look up to see an ugly she-wolf. "You fucking whore. Since you came Vlamir will not fuck me anymore." She speaks. "Melissa, get your ass back out to the farm and go do your job." Patches yells at her. Melissa huh! Yeah, this bitch has something coming to her. I can tell she is an Omega. She must have been one of Vlamir pack whores he would fuck. "Thanks Patches." I say hugging her tight. Every time she is near it's like my mother is with her. I wish Patches will stay near me all day long. We enter the kitchen and Vaness rushes up to me. "Are we still on for the walk tonight. I am so excited. To be able to get some fresh air." She rambles on without talking a breath. "Yes, Vaness." I say rolling my eyes. "Patches, I haven't heard from my wolf Jasmine. It is not like her. She will usually talk my brain out my ear." I question her. "There is nothing wrong with her. Jasmine is just resting. The cuffs you had on wore her out. She should be up by tonight." Patches tells me before she leaves. We get to work and make lunch. I don't see Vlamir at lunch, thank the Goddess. The other asshats are gone too. They must have had some pack work to do. When everyone is done eating, we clear the tables. We put the left overs in containers in the dumpster. Now, I have to do everyone's laundry and mop and dust the stairs. While I mop the stairs another, she-wolf Omega comes in and dumps my bucket of water. I look up at her. She doesn't look like she takes care of her teeth. Gross! "Stupid whore why did you come here and rune my fun with Alpha Vlamir?" She says and when she was about to kick me Patches walks in. "The only whore here is you, Laurie. Do anything to her ever again and you will be cursed to walk this earth as a rat." Patches yells at her. I burst out laughing. My list of people to get even with just keeps getting bigger. Another ugly pack whore. It seems any of the pack whores I come across do not know how to take care of their teeth. They are yellow with black spots and chipped. I guess Vlamir has a type. Well, until I came a long and he saw me as a well taken care of Omega. I'm about to tell Patches thanks but she's gone. I clean up the water bucket mess and finish cleaning the stairs. Almost time now for dinning. Can't wait to get this over with. I really want to take Vaness and Marcia to the cave and meet the family there. I have a strange feeling one of them could be the eighteen-year-old boy mate. Ugh! Looks like everyone is here for dinner. Before I can go into the kitchen, Vlamir grabs my wrist and pulls me into a bathroom. "Did you miss me babe? I missed you so much. I had to do some pack business over lunch. Can you suck my cock before dinner? I need a release so badly. Get on your knees sexy and open your pretty mouth for me." Vlamir says while pulling down his pants. His erect cock pops out and hit the top of my head while I was bending to get oh my knees. I open my mouth and he jam his cock all the way into my throat. I gag a bit. He starts thrusting really fast. I hear him growl and then moan when he releases his cum into my mouth. "Swallow baby." Vlamir says while grinning. I swallow and open my mouth so he can see I did as I was told. I stood up. "Vlamir, Sen made me suck his dick and Tyrion fucked me, I tried to escape, I swear. And, and, a Melissa and a Laurie hurt me today. They said you are theirs." I confront Vlamir to see what he says on this matter. He gives a growl but not like a true mate would. He should be storming out of here and trying to kill Sen and Tyrion like a true mate would. "I'll have a talk with them babe. I can't believe my best friends would do this to my mate. I told them you were mine. I also told them whores to leave you alone. They mean nothing to me. You are my everything. I can't see you tonight. There has been traces of someone camping out on our territory. Nobody has seen and scented the person or persons who has trespassed on our territory. Go out first and sit the dinner table. I love you, Jazz." Vlamir growls out. I leave. Really, he loves me. You say one thing but show me nothing to make me believe anything coming out your mouth. Nothing happens at dinner. Vaness and Marcia are cleaning the kitchen with the male Omegas. Once we are done, we go to our rooms, we wait for eleven pm. Once eleven pm comes I got to get Vaness and Marica from their rooms. We head out the back door. "I am going to turn us all invisibly and fly us to the mountain caves. Don't be afraid. I have more strength than a hundred werewolves together." I say to Vaness and Marcia. So, while flying Vaness asks me. "Why do we have to go to the mountains?" "Because it is safer there than near the warriors who patrol the territory. Patches has this area under one of her spells to protect a family that was throw out of the pack." I comment back. Once we reached the cave the young boy comes running out yelling, "Mate, mine." While looking at Vaness. Yelp, I knew one of these two would probably be his mate. Vaness looks shocked. She can't really say he is her mate because she is only sixteen but he can surely tell she is his mate. "Whoa, slow down. Yes, she is your mate but she is sixteen. You'll have to wait until she is eighteen to mate with her. You could mark her if she agrees." I tell him. Vaness is basically drooling at him. "I'll agree for him to mark me. Hi, I'm Vaness. Is there some place we could talk and get to know each other?" Vaness says with a big smile on her face. "Yeah, sure I have a room, well like an attached cave area for my bedroom." The boys say. They walk in the cave. I heard the boy tell his mother he found his mate. I hear her congratulate them. "Ugh! What is going on?" Jasmine says. "Oh, my Goddess. You are finally awake. It's a long story." I say in my mind to Jasmine. I push my memories to her so she will get to know what has been going on the past day or two. "We need to shift. I need to stretch my paws out." Jasmine says. I shift in two seconds. I scare Marcia. "Gush, warn someone when you are going to shift. Hi, Jasmine. I'm Marcia." We walk into the cave. The little girl runs to me. The mother is a little scared. I tell Marcia through mind link to tell them not to be scared and who I was. "It's is okay. This is Jazz. Well, her wolf Jasmine." Marcia says. I play with the little girl. She loves how silky my fur feels. Vaness and the boy comes back in. They look at my wolf with wide eyes. Marcia explains it's just me to them. They both come to touch my fur. We play around a bit while I'm in my wolf form. Then Vaness asked me to show the family my fairy form. I shift to my fairy in seconds. They all look surprised. The little girl asked me if I could take her for a fly. I look at the mother she nods her head. I hold the little girl tight and fly around the mountain tops for awhile with the little girl giggling so happily. My chest glows again from the joy I feel making this sweet child happy. She falls asleep in my arms. I take her to her cave room and put her in her bed. I tell the others we have to go. The boy didn't want to let Vaness leave. I had to tell him she will come and visit every other day. Gosh, I am tired. I grab Vaness and Marcia and go invisible. We fly back to the packhouse and go to our rooms. I fall asleep once my head touches the pillow.

Her Revenge on her Fake MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora