In the Throne Room

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>>> Interruption <<<

Meanwhile at the castle in the throne room... Selene is watching the scene below.

Jasper: Howie, what did you do, he was surrendering?

Laura and James: Looks like we chose the wrong warrior mate for Catherine. Howie, this is not how we do challenges. (They both rush to Micha's body. Both Laura's and James hands start to glow blue, bringing Micha back to life and healing him.)

Howie: What are you doing Queen? Why are you bringing him back to life and healing him?

Jasper: Because you killed him while he was surrendering the Queen can bring him back to life.

Howie: (Looks at the time. It is 8pm. Looks around for Catherine. She is not in the room.) Well, I am in charge now until we find Catherine. Catherine temporary warrior prepare a cell for this werewolf and prepare two cells together with a bathroom for the formal Queen and warrior mate. Bring some clothes to their cell. They are allowed to have three meals a day. The werewolf will be allowed one meal a day. Get some more warriors to help you.

Jasper: What? I did not raise you to act like this.

Howie: Do you want a cell too foster father? Catherine ran away. I am in charge until I get her back and she mates with me. Even if I have to force her to mate with me. I will take a few warriors and search every pack and fairy kingdom to find her.

Jasper: Howie, this is wrong. Since I raised you, I will help you find her.

n Laura and James get put into hang cuffs that stops them from using their powers when they were distracted with healing Micha. Micha was put in hand cuffs too. Warriors came in to take Laura, James, and Micha to their cells under the castle. Howie goes to Catherine room while Jasper follows him. Howie goes to a small table next to Catherine bed, opens the drawer and pulls out Catherine's diary. He reads everything in a matter of ten seconds. He finds out where Micha's pack is. He read all the changes Catherine wanted to change. He thought... If I can't find you love I will change some of these changes but not the ones with werewolves. He puts her diary back.

Howie, Jasper, and a few warriors fly to Micha's pack. They land in front of the pack house. While walking up to the door someone opens it and runs out.


Howie: NO! I hate werewolves. Warrior detain her until we leave. Then, when we get back put her in a cell next to that other scumbag. She will only get one meal a day.

Beta: What? No! I am your mate. You're supposed to love me.

Howie: (Laughs) Love a nasty, ugly, species like you. That is funny. My love is only for my Queen Catherine.

Beta: What? Her? (She thought what is it about Catherine all male species want her)

Howie: Yes her. She was supposing to be my mate. Do you know her?

Beta: Yes, I know her. She tried to kill me when I hugged Micha.

Howie: (Laughs, with no emotion for the Beta after hearing Catherine almost killed her and she hugged Micha) That's my Queen. You just have to love the anger she can get sometimes.

Beta: You're not upset she tried to kill me and I hugged Micha?

Howie: Why should I? I told you I despise werewolves. Where is your worthless Alpha? Take her away warrior. Her voice is giving me a headache. Take her to the castle to her new home in the cell and come back. (He doesn't knock on the door just walks right in. The see Alpha coming down the steps.)

Alpha: Why are you here in my territory? Did something happen to Micha and Catherine?

Howie: Yes, something happen to Micha and Catherine. (smirking) I challenge Micha to get Catherine back as my mate. I won. Micha is my prisoner and your worthless Beta turns out to be my mate. I can't reject her until I change that law in my kingdom. It's a disgrace that she is my mate so she will be my prisoner too. Catherine is missing. I am going to search every pack and fairy kingdom for her.

Alpha: (Jaw drops) What? No, you can't take my Beta. You also need to give back Micha to me. I haven't seen Catherine in a couple of months. Why would she come here knowing you would look for her here?

Howie: I am King of the fairies. My species are more powerful than any other species. I can do what I want. You are right though. She wouldn't come here. If she does you are to connect me. If you don't, I will destroy your pack and kill every worthless werewolf here. (Mind links a few warriors and commands them to stay here in the pack to watch if Catherine shows up) A few of my warriors are going to be watching your pack just in case.

Alpha: Fine! You can leave now. I think you over stayed your welcome.

n Howie, Jasper, and the other warriors leave to go to the next pack.

Selene: Oh, my. I never thought Catherine's parents would save Micha. Well... It is not the first time I paired more than one male wolf with one female. I'm going to have to find Fate and have a talk with her.

Selenia: Selene, what is going on?

Selene: Why you ask me? You can see what is happening too. We need to hope our parents don't find out about this because it seems your idea is creating a big mess.

Selenia: Nah! Fate promised me things will go well.

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