Mind link of Mother Memories Continues

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They had their pool/BBQ party. More warriors and normal fairies made the tied bond. They all went to sleep.

It's now Saturday and Micha left early in the morning.

Laura: My dear sweet Princess, how was your week?

Catherine: Fine! We had a couple of pool parties and some fairies did the tied bond. So, I'm expecting our fairy population to rise. (She giggles. She is hiding her scent from her parents because her scent know smells a little bit like Micha)

James: Oh, my! Cat, why? You know we don't have those types of events here. Just balls for Royals from other kingdoms with their warriors.

Jasper: You didn't do anything, did you Cat? You won't break Howie's heart, will you? (Jasper raised Howie because some witches got a hold of his parents and killed them with the star moon flower pollen)

Catherine: Dad! Our warriors and normal fairies barely ever get a break to just have fun and find someone to live their life with. You should have seen how happy they were. I believe if our warriors and normal fairies are happy the better job they will do. (What should she say to Jasper? Ugh!) Jasper, why would you ask me that question? That is absorbed, uncle.

Laura: Well, maybe, we could do something every month for the warriors and the normal fairies. What do you think, James?

James: (Chuckles) Oh, I get a say in this. Really? I say my baby... I mean my adult Princess always has great ideas and will be one of the greatest Queens ever.

Laura: So, you think we should do it? Okay. (Mind links the whole kingdom telling them about having an activities day/BBQ once a month for the warriors and normal fairies)

James: Come now, my lovely Queen, we must catch up on our work. (They leave)

Jasper: Cat, you know I raised him and you two grew up together, also he will be your mate. I just... I just don't want him to be hurt again. (Then he leaves to catch up with the Queen.)

 Catherine is now feeling bad. She knows how upset Howie was when they found his parents bodies. She really did not want to hurt Howie but when he finds out that they are not mates... He is probably going to lose control. That is why she planed ahead with all the contracts. If something does happen to her and her mate all the plans she wanted to accomplish when she will be Queen, she hopes her daughter will accomplish them for her. She loves Micha with all her heart and soul but she can't help but think why the Fairy Goddess and the Moon Goddess would put her, Micha, and Howie in such conditions.

Catherine starts her training to learn how to control her new powers and in secret meets with Micha to train him and have some naughty fun. Six months before her 20th birthday she got pregnant as planned. She glowed pink, which surprised Micha. Royal fairies will glow pink when she is pregnant of course with a girl. Her temporary warrior as planed had a son named Thunder, now a year old. Micha's Alpha found his mate and he too had a son named Caspian; he too, is a year old. Catherine was so happy and excited. So far, everything was going the way she wanted it to.

On Catherine's 20th birthday, she schedules a meeting with her parents in the throne room. She had Micha and her temporary warrior beside her, standing in front of her parents while they sit on their thrones.

Laura: Why is there a werewolf here? What is going on?

Catherine: Well, mom, dad, remember when I turned 18 you two had to leave to help another kingdom? I tried to tell you a couple of time through the mind link but you two were too busy. Micha is my mate.

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