Please Stay With Us

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We finish our early dinner, putting away our leftovers and taking one final gulp of water, knowing that we might not be able to hydrate for a while. Bouncing on the balls of my feet as I shake my hands, battling away my nerves, and settling my mind and body for what is to come. "Ready when you are," I say to the group, stopping my mini hype fest. "Wild, if it comes to it...use the ancient arrows; only if we are backed into a corner. We don't know how long it will be before we get more."

"Way ahead of you. I have them safely stored in my slate," he places his hand on my head, giving me a recurring smile. "Everything will work out, I promise you."

Smiling up at him I reach up and take the hand on my head into both of mine. "Thank you, Wild...That really helps put me at ease." With a gentle squeeze, I let his hand go, and it finds its home at his side as we make our way to the main terminal. The steep ramps leading to it cause a strain on my thighs, and the large distance to the floor below causes my head to grow a little fuzzy; a normal person falling from this height would no doubt break something, maybe even die. Wild stops before the terminal, looking over his shoulder to where we all are waiting behind him; once given reassurance he places his slate onto the terminal. A thick black and magenta fog starts to spray out of the device, pushing Wild back harshly. Naboris shutters and shakes at the overwhelming presence of malice. Blue glows pass by us in streaks, collecting into a ball behind our bodies as the Blight takes form; a large sharp sword, and a wide shield in each of its hands; its loud ear-splitting screech is accompanied by flashes of lightning and booming thunder.

"Say on your edge!" Her voice is worried, anger standing at the forefront of her tone. "This formidable adversary was made by Ganon and brought me to a warrior's demise 100 years ago." The twitching withering Blight before us seems to be trying to gain its barrings, Wind, Four, and Legend reading their bows to fire off at the beast. "Do not allow this to be your end. Fight for your lives...and its death!" As their arrows fly through the air, the beast swings its sword, breaking and scattering the pieces of the arrows around us. Splintered wood rains down over our bodies as I ready a fire spell, hurling a burring ball at it. The beast makes no move to dodge or block; the fire hits it yet does no damage.

'Fuck!' I scream into my own head, 'I need to figure out what will harm this asshole in order to help.'

"This thing is fast! Watch yourselves!" Urbosa's warning comes too late as the Blight seems to shift through time itself, charging Wild and swinging at him. Wild throws his shield up to block, the force of the hit sending a shock wave through the air, flinging Wild backward as his shield shatters.

"Not only fast, but strong," Time growls swinging his sword at the monster, missing as it seems to shift through the very particles of the air coming to a stop in front of me. I am barely able to throw my barrier up before the sword comes crashing into it; slicing through my barrier, yet derailed roughly to miss me. The destruction of my barrier causes an explosion that sends me hurling off of the ledge and to the ground below, the beast being momentarily stunned. I watch as the ceiling of the beast becomes further and further away, stunned by the blowback of my own magic I careen directly into the solid flooring below; my head bounces off of the ground as the wind is knocked out of me; causing my ears to ring and my vision to twist and turn. My eyes rapidly blink as I try to regain my barrings, barely managing to roll out of the way as the Thunder Blight slams its sword into the spot I once was; gasping as I try to break with my spasming lungs. The weapon caused a large gash to form in the unbreakable Devine Beast.

"(y/n)!" I hear Urbosa call out in worry, "Stand before it strikes!"

My vision is blurry, twisting and swaying as I try to focus, air rushing into my lungs as I cough; pain shooting through my head and back at the harsh movement. 'Concussed' I think to myself as I feel vomit rising up my throat before it splatters to the ground in front of me. The acid burns my throat, chunks of food lodging themselves into my nose before shooting out as well due to the force of another upheaval of vomit. I raise my blurry eyes to see the swing coming for me, the movement coming in as if in pictures, all taken a few seconds apart; scattered, but reviling the complete movement. My arms jerkily lift, a burst of light shooting from my hands and defecting the blow, my feet sliding against the ground as I am pushed back once more, the wind rustling my hair and clothing.

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