Missing Goddess and Worrisome Conversations

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After two weeks Link returns, having finished his end of this mission. All that is left is to activate the time gate, seal Demise forever, and take Zelda home. I nearly bounce a foot in the air with how fast I rise to my feet and rush to him. "Oh, Link! Is it time?"

With a nod Link starts to walk up to the gate of time, only to freeze when the ground trembles. The Old woman clicks her tongue, "it seems the creature has awakened once more. Link, go and take care of it before it reaches us."

"I'll help!" I bounce my way to Link's side, Groose happily saying it is time for his invention. Once we step out to the ledge of the sealing grounds; Link takes notice of the cart and tracks set up. As well as Goose's precious Groosinator. This leads to Groose loudly and boisterously bragging about his invention.

"That thing woke up before I could finish up a few final adjustments. Stall for time, would ya? Once it is ready that thing doesn't stand a chance!"

Laughing I nod, "Amazing work Groose! Let me bless your aim, and Link, allow me to bless you with resilience. It will lessen the effects of each attack."

"That sounds like a good plan, (y/n)." Link gives his approval, leading to me grabbing his cheeks between my hands and pulling his face to be leveled with my own. Closing my eyes, the air around me glows a soft blue as I speak; "May the Golden Goddesses bless you with the strength, speed, and resilience needed to take down this foe. May your sword swing heavy and true." Much to his and everyone's confusion, I place a soft kiss on his forehead. I then head to Groose, using a levitation spell to ruse to stand on the tracks with him. When he refuses to bow his head, I huff and levitate to be in his face.

"Stop fighting. I need to do this to cast my charm spell."

"Only Zelda is allowed to kiss me," Groose backs up some and I huff in response, landing on my feet.

"It is not a kiss, but alright. Fail her." I flip my hair as I turn on my heels to leave him.

"W-wait...if it will help us save Zelda...then kiss away."

Snorting I turn back to him and motion for him to lean down, the blue light returning. "Not a kiss, but alright. Closing my eyes I start to concentrate on my charm spell, "May the Golden Goddesses bless your aim; having every hit land on our enemy until it is vanquished." Placing a kiss on his forehead I back up, jumping down, and make my way to Link. Closing my eyes once more I finish the charm. Putting my hands in a praying pose, I bow my head and speak, a glowing kiss mark appearing on their foreheads.

"Please allow my blessings to reach the realm of the Gods and Goddesses and be answered for the good of those I care for and the safety of those I have yet to meet. Allow these blessings to aid them in vanquishing the looming threat; and come out unscathed." The marks stop glowing as I let out a small breath. "Ah, that spell always drains me more than I remember. Now, let's go kick some ass."

"LANGUAGE," the elderly woman yells out to me, only causing me to cackle to myself as Link and I make our way down.

"What...strange magic. Do you have to kiss someone's forehead to activate it?" Link questions, cheeks with a slightly rosy color.

"Unfortunately, yes. All magic has a casting trigger. Words, songs, dances, actions, clothing, jewels, or even the consumption of certain products. With this particular charm spell, in order for the spell to cast with the highest-rated outcome, I need to. Something about trust and the transference of my magic into the recipients. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable."

"It...surprised me more than offending me...but next time, a bit of a warning. Okay?"

Laughing, we make it to the ground level, "Yes, next time I will. I keep forgetting that you don't know how my magic works. My Li-A close friend of mine was always ready to receive any information about my magic and accept any aid I could give. So it's a little jarring the situation I'm in now."

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