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The sound of the wheels turning over dirt echoed around the dusk-covered forest as a white carriage with gold trimmings slowly bounced down the dirt path; drawn by six pure white horses with golden manes, a golden carving of a Triforce placed upon the door. Behind this carriage were three more, smaller and less ornate; yet filled to the brim with knights. In Front of the royal carriage were ten-foot soldiers bearing the crest of the royal family. Within the large royal carriage sat six individuals. They shifted and bounced slightly as the carriage rolled over uneven ground.

"Princess, are you sure this kingdom will aid us in our endeavor?" The redfish woman spoke, her voice gentle and regal. Her eyes landed on the beautiful blond elf-eared woman sitting across from her. Next to her sat a handsome, yet oddly beautiful, elf-eared man. His hair was as blond as hers, held in a low ponytail, his bangs framing his face. When the Zora woman's eyes landed on him, her heart jumped in her chest, before she quickly focused on the princess before her once more.

The princess's emerald eyes turned to her, from the view of the window she had been gazing out of just moments before. She seemed unsure for a moment before confidence crossed her face, then gave way to slight desperation. "Mipha," her strong voice rang out, "I believe they will. Throughout history their high priestess had aided Hyrule in defeating the great evil. I do not see why Calamity Ganon would be any different. However," the princess gazed out the window once more, "it has been quite some time since we last needed their aid."

The large, red-headed tan woman glanced at the princess from her place next to the blond man. "Zelda, I am certain that the high priestess will agree. In all of the legends you shared with us, she never refused; in fact, she appeared before the chosen hero."

"Urbosa, I don't think it is that simple," the bird man commented, narrowing his eyes at the Gerudo. "She is a queen and can't just abandon her kingdom to fight on the front lines for another."

"Revali, you don't have to be so harsh, I'm sure when she hears about Calamity Ganon, and what he'll do; she'll agree. After all, her kingdom will be in danger also," the hulking rock man protested.

Zelda sighed lightly, "I do hope so I am sure she will aid us. We mustn't lose hope," determination showed on her face once more, as she sat a little taller. Her appointed knight made no more to agree or disagree, yet deep down he hopes all will go well.

"Princess, what are these legends that surround this high priestess?" Mipha questioned while glancing out at the passing trees.

Zelda collected her thoughts before daring to speak; she, herself, has recently learned of the woman and her kingdom. It was as if mentions of her never excited before she found an old worn book within the Sheikha library. Even so, her father knew of this kingdom long before then, since trade between the two lands has been commonplace for centuries.

"In the books, Impa showed me, it stated the queen's origins and role in her kingdom and Hyrule." Zelda glanced around the carriage at the many curious faces, "During the time of the Gods; while the Golden Goddesses delegated duties to their creations; three Goddesses stuck out amongst the rest. They had a love and respect for the humans created in their image. The Goddess Hylia presided over the Hylians, living alongside her chosen people. The Sand Goddess ruled over the Gerudo, passing on her knowledge of weaponry and war tactics; so that the women of the sand could survive the harsh climate and creatures.

"The Goddess Romazumara lived with her chosen people; the Romazu. While Hylians and the Gerudo were physically resilient, the Gerudo more so, and the Romazu were not well adept physically. In order to make up for this fact, Romazumara created magic and magical creatures to aid her followers; she taught them to fend for themselves, while Hylia granted divine protection and holy music, capable of soothing and healing one's soul and body."

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