"Do you like it?"

"Phantom Dragon Armor. That actually hurt." Naruto said sheathing his sword. It would no longer help in this fight.

'Kurama is there anyway to use your chakra the way I used to yet?'

'A minute at most. You have a long time to go before you can use it freely like before. If you use the Rasenshuriken I would say thirty seconds.' The fox replied making Naruto groan. He didn't know if he could finish this that quickly. He also knew that the five minutes to gather Senjutsu was also impossible. He had no other choice, he had to try. As Ryusuke took a step forward he paused to see the blonde suddenly encase himself in a golden chakra similar to his armor. However, while his was refined and barely visible Naruto's was nearly pouring off of his body. Without warning the blonde was before him and he was the one that was sent sailing. As he managed to catch himself and land on his feet skidding back a few feet he growled looking at his blood relation only for his eyes to widen comically. There was no way anyone but an Uzumaki could have created that.


The trip through the halls was silent as the jonin pushed himself towards Hinata and Shino's last known location. Neither were ready to face any of the remaining three. However, he also knew that it was possible with their teamwork that they could stall and overpower two of the three. 'Hiyari, what is she doing here? How is she still alive? Why now?' He thought to himself. Another explosion caught his attention but he forced himself to keep moving. If the first one had been Sasuke then that was without a doubt Naruto. Hopefully that meant that there was only one left. With his luck though it was her. He could only hope that the two genin could protect themselves against the woman known as the mistress of torture.

Back with Hinata and Shino...

Shino gritted his teeth as he was knocked back once more and summoned his kikai back to him. She was even stronger than he had thought. He was at his limit and hoped that the minute and a half that he had bought Hinata was enough. Just as the woman appeared in front of him she was knocked back, howling in pain. She had no time to recover as Hinata followed through with her initial attack. Shino was actually impressed. Her fingertips were not only filled with chakra but with both of her elemental natures. Each juken strike was sending fire and lightening chakra through the woman's tenketsu most likely causing irreparable damage to each point that was being struck. She had somehow taken the style her family was best known for and made it even more dangerous.

Hinata, on the other hand was gritting her teeth as she continued to assail her opponent. The chakra natures alone were hard enough to maintain at the same time and she was attempting to use the 128 palms before mastering the technique. She had been making immense progress with her family's style with Naruto's assistance and as a result she was already learning the advanced techniques of her clan. Of course she had kept this progress from her family as she wanted to surprise them once she had mastered it. The fire and lightening combination was not only damaging the tenketsu it was causing damage to the nerve endings in the general vicinity of each tenketsu. If performed correctly the victim would be unable to do much of anything for a short while after the technique connects and would never be able to use chakra again. It was a last resort technique she had made for this precise moment. For when she wouldn't have the back up of her team or the luxury of fighting long distance. Landing the last strike she jumped back next to Shino panting with exertion.

"Sorry that took so long. I still have trouble combining the two elements in the same place." She apologized. Shino just shook his head in amusement.

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