"I'm ready." She said conviction filling her voice. Since starting to work with Naruto and Sasuke she had managed to get more confident than she had ever been and had lost her stutter. Something that she was very grateful for. She was bound and determined to stand by Naruto's side during the coming darkness and nothing would stop her.

"Now then here is the only hand seal for the shadow clone." Naruto stated bringing her attention back to the present. Nodding in understanding she set to work on master the shadow clone and becoming one step closer to reaching their level.

When Kakashi arrived at the training field a half hour later, he was greeted by the sight of multiple copies of his students doing various exercises while a three way fight was occurring in the center of the training field. 'They know the shadow clone?! Since when? I really need to start asking them about this. I suppose that the Uchiha clan could have written down the shadow clone at one point however, do they realize how dangerous this training method really is?'

"Well it seems that you are up very early this morning. Plus you got a head start on your training. What are your shadow clones working on?" He queried innocently.

"Oh you know, various clone techniques and well since we didn't have any litmus paper we decided to test our chakra the hard way by learning E-class ninjutsu of various elements and seeing what was easier to learn. Plus Hinata's clones are still helping us fine tune our chakra control so that is a thing? Ummm…..We are also doing some weaponry training over there to get better practice with them. You know work on muscle memory and all." Naruto answered nonchalantly as he dodged a foot flying at his face and quickly spun to avoid a juken strike.

"I see and when did you learn the shadow clone?"

"Um…a while ago from one of the scrolls in Sasuke's library. I learned it first because of fuzzy and then Sasuke learned it a few months later when his chakra reserves were up to par and we just taught Hinata an hour ago." Naruto replied catching Hinata's hand and throwing her into Sasuke. Kakashi was very impressed.

"So how often and long do you usually train before and after our sessions end?"

"Together? About half an hour to an hour before and somewhere close to two or three after. Alone? I don't think we stop even in our sleep." Sasuke replied standing and helping Hinata to her feet. Kakashi could say that he was honestly impressed by his team. They had taken the initiative to train even harder than he was pushing them and they seemed happy about it.

"So sensei, could we learn our chakra types? We wanted to start learning some elemental ninjutsu and try to make some combination attacks with them but since we aren't sure exactly what types we have we are at a loss on where to start. Hinata is having some trouble with the jutsu I think because the Hyuga clan stresses taijutsu so much. Her chakra isn't used to be being used outside of that capacity." Naruto queried. Kakashi couldn't help but feel pride welling up in him but at the same time he was starting to get even more suspicious of the two boys and their very determined way of pushing themselves to get stronger than most genin right out of the academy ought to be.

"I suppose it wouldn't do any harm. Elemental manipulation is something that most chunin haven't even started. So don't be disappointed if there are no results." Kakashi said. He had hoped that if he stayed on the cautious side but also opened up a little more than normal they would eventually trust him enough to not give vague answers to his questions. Pulling three sheets of litmus paper out, he grinned to himself.

"Do you know how litmus paper works?"

"You put chakra in it and the reaction is indicative of which elements you are more suited for?" Hinata answered a little tentatively. Nodding he handed the sheets to his students and laughed as Naruto squinted at the paper.

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